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Information of the MIA Main STP Department about traffic accidents

As a result of 1587 traffic accidents happened in the republic in 2020, 696 people died and 1410 people got various degrees of bodily injuries. 169 people died and 387 were injured in 460 traffic accidents in Baku.  

The analysis of the accidents shows that 1534 traffic accidents happened as a result of violation of traffic rules by drivers (pedestrians - 42), of which 656 (42,7%) occurred because of the drivers driving their vehicles at high speed, and 466 ( 30%) due to violation of the rules of entering the lane of oncoming vehicle and overtaking.
Pedestrian hitting (664 – 41,8%) and collisions (529 - 33%) still prevail among the types of accidents. Of the 696 people killed, 320 were pedestrians, 194 were drivers, 158 were passengers, 20 were cyclists, including 131 women and 35 children and teenagers.

Taking into consideration that, although the total number of accidents decreased by 283 (-15,1%), the number of deaths by 125 (-15,2%) and the number of injured by 292 (-17,2%) compared to the corresponding period of 2019, these statistics still cause serious concerns, we urge all traffic participants to be careful, to follow traffic rules and not to endanger the lives and health of themselves and others.

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