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Appeal of the Main STP Department of the MIA to the drivers

Recently, drop in the number of people infected with coronavirus (COVID-19) and the mitigating of the special quarantine regime in the country have resulted in an increase in the number of vehicles on the roads, including traffic violations committed by drivers compared to previous day.

Namely, total 11-12 thousand facts (6-7 thousand facts recorded in a digital format by special technical means with photo or video recording functions) in the republic daily increase the risk  of fatal traffic accidents despite of taking preventive and prophylactic measures to ascertain administrative offenses against traffic regulations and ensure the traffic safety by the state traffic police officers.

Taking the aforementioned into consideration, the Main STP Department of the MIA once again requests all drivers to be disciplined and to comply strictly with traffic instructions not to put themselves and other traffic participants’ life and safety into jeopardy.

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