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Appeal of the Main State Traffic Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the traffic participants due to windy weather conditions

Due to the current windy weather, the Main State Traffic Police Department brings to the attention of drivers that in such weather, the speed limit should be chosen according to the meteorological conditions, taking into account the possibility of sudden changes in the direction of the car when driving from tunnels and the part of the road where the edges are closed to open areas, as well as when parking vehicles, they should not park near or under trees, large billboards, as well as other objects that may overturn or break due to the wind.

At the same time, taking into account the strong winds, pedestrians should follow safety measures on the roads and streets more strictly, especially when moving near high-rise buildings, they should choose safe places if possible.

All road users are advised to be extremely careful and cautious to protect their lives and health, as well as to avoid any damage to their cars.

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