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To the attention of citizens!

Under the Decision No.151 dated May 26, 2021 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the requirement for using personal respiratory protective equipment in public places in the open air has been abolished. However, it doesn’t mean that we must not use protective masks indoors, as well as in public transportation.
So, under the Decision No.189 dated May 29, 2020 of the Cabinet of Ministers, personal respiratory protective equipment (medical mask, cloth face mask, respirator, etc.) must be worn in vehicles (bus, taxi, metro, railway, etc.) used in inter-city (inter-district) and intra-city (intra-district) passenger transportation.
Given the above, once again we ask citizens to wear protective masks indoors, as well as in public transportation and hope that each of us will be responsible and will follow rules defined to prevent the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) infection.

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