State Traffic Police Department of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Instructions on State Traffic Police control rules over technical situation and safe motion of vehicles

Instructions on State Traffic Police control rules over technical situation and safe motion of vehicles
1. General provisions
1.1. This instruction has been prepared according to the laws of Azerbaijan Republic on “Traffic”, “Police”, “Transport”, to the orders of the Cabinet of Ministers #40 dated in 15.03.99 and #110 dated in 30.06.2000, to the international treaties supported by Azerbaijan Republic and to other normative legal acts about traffic safety. They regulate control activity of State Traffic Police (STP) over technical situation of vehicles.
1.2. The main duty of STP on technical control is to provide exploitation of traffic safety and good technical condition of vehicles.
1.3. Legal and physical persons should follow technical demands on road traffic safety according to the legislation and STP’s instructions on fulfillment of these requirements.
2. Main directions of the control over technical situation of vehicles;
2.1. Control over good technical condition of vehicles in transport institutions, garages;
Good technical condition of vehicles includes the followings:  
2.1.1. Technical service of vehicles and their current repair in the production-technical base;
2.1.2. Technical inspection of good condition of vehicles;
2.1.3. Formation of the work on liquidate of technical derangements;
2.1.4. To give repair orders in time and their implementation.
2.1.5. Registration and analyses of traffic accidents happened due to the technical derangement;
2.1.6. Technical condition of vehicles according to the result of the previous technical view;
2.1.7. Existence of control-measurement devices and usage rules of them in order to check technical condition of vehicles;
2.1.8. To provide harmful effect of vehicles to the environment being within the accepted standards;
2.1.9. To organize drivers’ periodically medical examination before and after the trip;
2.2. Control over technical condition of vehicles in the highways;
2.2.1. Control over technical condition of vehicles is implemented by applying technical control measurement devices and vehicles in diagnostic posts of STP. Control over technical conditions of vehicles is carried out by following demands of the “Traffic Law”. The vehicles which do not have good technical condition and are not appropriate for demands of the 1st additions of “Traffic Law” are kept and inspected with the special way. Control over technical condition of vehicles has to be carried out in a short period of time and there should not be any obstacle for other motion participants.
2.2.2. Emergency medical care, fireman, post, emergency service, operation cars of internal affairs and national security institutions, military cars, explosives, fire hazardous and other dangerous means of vehicles, also bus, taxi, trolleybus and trams are not kept in order to be inspected for technical condition.
NOTE: Technical condition of line buses can be inspected only in the last bus-stops and bus terminals.
3. The main duties of STP for controlling technical condition of vehicles.
3.1. To allow vehicles to legal and physical persons in order to prepare its parts in the frame of specific model with conductor mechanisms according to the international standards, to control vehicles being in accordance with road motion safety rules, state standards and normative documents.
3.2. To give opinion about technical project documents and technical condition of complex structured vehicles, to take part in the testing of vehicles, to send orders to appropriate agencies about to stop production of models which don’t follow normative requirements.
3.3. To control technical condition of vehicles, to carry periodical technical views, to prohibit exploitation of vehicles of which technical condition is not correspond with “Traffic Laws” of Azerbaijan Republic and the determined standards.  
Prohibition of vehicle’s exploitation is carried out by taking out its registration sign, writing technical inspection act, giving one copy of it to the driver and compiling protocol about the driver.
Vehicles, of which braking system, steering control mechanism and catching part are disordered, are taken away to the repair area. Drivers should be careful with other technical derangements by the apartment or repair area.  
After technical derangement is eliminated, the car should be taken away to STP area in order to be reviewed again. If a car is in good condition, then its registration is returned to the driver.
3.4. To control following existing rules, norms, standards requirements together with independent or environmental protection, sanitary-epidemiological and public standards agencies.
3.5. Despite of property form, control over legal and physical persons’ road safety activity, technical norms of vehicles is carried out together with independent or other responsible agencies.
4. Division of posts of State Traffic Police on technical supervision;
4.1. Inspection Department of STP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan Republic;
It has all powers on technical supervision, first of all carries out the following duties:
4.1.1. Prepares legal normative documents providing control over technical condition of vehicles, learns experience of other countries in this sphere, raises issue to the leadership of STP about newly approved normative documents requirements, prepares summaries, articles on technical condition of vehicles, and takes measures to send them to the Media.
4.1.2. Gives opinion about newly produced vehicles in Azerbaijan Republic, also preparation of the designs of vehicles, amendment of their parts, takes part in their testing, gives orders about stopping production of those models which don’t follow requirements.
4.1.3. To agree about re-installation of equipment and vehicles without requiring project documents.
4.1.4. Control protection of environment from harmful influence of the transport, activates independently together with environmental protection, sanitary and epidemiological agencies.
4.1.5. Learns work structure of ministers, committees, concerns, companies, head offices and other organizations about traffic safety.
4.1.6. To carry out activity with other executive institutions in order to prepare normative documents and state standards;
4.1.7. To organize technical control and inspection work of Police offices and departments, of inspection station of cars, required reports from them, gives the support and check their activity.
4.2. Offices and Departments of STP (divisions, groups):
4.2.1. To organize regular technical view of cars, buses, bikes and motto rollers.
4.2.2. To control accordance of vehicles, equipments, registration numbers, types and other indicators with the indicators in registration certificate.
4.2.3. Controlling the events of legal persons, auto households and other organizations in order to keep vehicles in good condition.
4.2.4. Controlling good technical condition of vehicles, as well as installation of radio-electronic devices and radio station with the consent of the Ministry of Communication for traffic safety and protection of environment from harmful influence.
4.3. Inspection Center of the State Traffic Police Department;
4.3.1. Inspection center checks technical condition of vehicles during the period of their state technical view.
4.3.2. Technical view should be carried out in all days of the week in inspection center and if necessary, work should be organized in two shifts.
4.3.3. The work of inspection center is based on the quarterly plan. Work plan includes the following measures besides controlling technical condition of vehicles:
-improvement work of technical control of vehicles;
-improvement of inspection methods and technology;
-checking inspection equipments, control-measurement devices by the metrology and state standard institutions, organizing their technical service, repair and inspection.
Work plan should be included other measures directed in improvement of Inspection center activity.
4.3.4. A document proving state tax is required for technical view of each vehicle in inspection center.  
4.3.5. Technical condition of vehicles took part in traffic accidents, is checked with participation of witnesses under the instruction of inspector and investigator.
4.3.6. Inspection document (Appendix 2 to the Regulations) is filled by each technical supervisor came to the inspection center and notes are carried out about the results of inspection.
4.3.7. Inspection documents are kept for two years and they are used for controlling technical condition of vehicles and implemented works.
4.3.8. Equipment and devices in inspection center are given to employees and they are responsible for good condition of these equipments and devices.  
4.3.9. Engineer of the inspection center controls usage of equipment and devices, carries out calculation of their repair and technical service, teaches employees their operation and maintenance rules.
5. Requirements about list of vehicles and additional equipments, agreeing on technical projects and conditions, testing of examples and on their production.
5.1. According to the Azerbaijan Republic “Traffic Law”, control over new projected vehicles, also those of which braking system, weight measure, driver and passenger seating areas, light signals and devices, steering wheel control mechanism are newly constructed, agreeing on technical project and conditions is carried out in the testing of vehicle and production stages. The following information is checked that time:
- brief description of the area of to be applying;  
- road condition and operational mode, speed and power limits intended for means of transport;
- weight parameters (mass in the supplied case, whole mass, load taking, number of passengers, complete mass of the trailer, distribution of the whole mass on arrows);
- braking way, brake strength, characteristics of its distribution  on axles and wheels;
- backlit area of the road;
- minimum and overall turning radiuses;
- other requirements defined according to Law on traffic safety, normative documents and standards;
5.1.1.Coordination of project documents is carried out within 30 days. Operation of vehicles are not agreed which are prepared on the basis of documents which don’t comply with standards requirements, of which project documents are not prepared correctly or having shortcomings, and which haven’t agreed with State Traffic Police Department and they are not registered. Such kinds of documents are returned back by showing missing features of the project.
5.2. Testing should be carried out by commission appointed by legal persons in acceptance stage for production. The place of testing is determined by the commission. Commission includes employees of scientific-research institutes and laboratories on traffic safety, also employees of STP Department.  
5.2.1. Commission compiles act and protocol on the results of testing. Suggestions are written until protocol act is signed. Components of devices are tested again.
5.2.2. Acts of examples are not signed which don’t endure the tests, and in that case requisition (Appendix 3 to the instruction) is sent to project organizations.
5.3. While agreeing on technical conditions of vehicles, protocol and act is compiled about testing results, instruction project is presented on construction features of large and other vehicles and their operation only with consent of STP.
5.3.1. While agreeing on technical conditions, certificate (Appendix #4 to the instructions) on constructions operation, as well as equipment installation scheme for special appointed cars is prepared.
6. Requirements about installation of devices of which project documents are not compiled:
6.1. Installation of devices of which project documents are not required (Appendix #5 to the instructions) is carried out with consent of the STP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Citizens should submit registration certificate of vehicles together with application (Appendix #6 to the instructions) for agreeing installation works with STP Department.
6.2. Vehicles of which preparation of project documents are not intended, include individual cars, amphibians, motorcycles, motor rollers, as well as vehicles re-installed in a simple form.
6.3. Compliance of vehicles, motorcycles with technical characteristics (Appendix #7 to the instructions) defined by the scientific-research institution (laboratory) on traffic safety is checked. In case if cars, motorcycles and harnesses correspond with technical conditions, opinion (Appendix #8 to the instructions), line, scheme, photos should be added by the commission of institute (laboratory). This opinion is considered the main document after its approval by STP for registration of vehicles.
6.4. It is not allowed collection of separate parts of vehicles on an individual basis.
7. Calculation and report of technical control work of the State Traffic Police;
7.1. Special calculation of technical supervision works is carried out in all department and sections of STP and its indicators are used in measures preparation with the objective to increase efficiency of the work.
7.2. Technical supervision works by STP departments are sent to the Head of STP together with monthly (Appendix #13 to the instructions) and annual (form #10 STP, Appendix #14 to the instruction) information, quarterly reference of the carried out works.
8. State technical view over vehicles and their trailers;
8.1. Objectives of state technical view:
8.1.1. Control the accordance of vehicles’ technical condition with traffic safety rules, normative and standards requirements;
8.1.2. To specify possession, number and other registration information of vehicles;
8.1.3. To prevent crime events and administrative offenses related to vehicles;
8.1.4. To provide control over driving license, its validity period, payment of annual road tax and state duty.
8.2. All types of mechanical vehicles belonging to legal and physical persons (except Armed Forces of Azerbaijan Republic), having constant and temporary registration in the Republic, of which working volume of engine is 50 cubic/cm and even more, constructive maximum speed is more than 50 km are technically viewed once a year from January 1 to October 31;
- for cars “VAZ”: from January 01 to May 01;
- for vehicle cars “Gaz”, “Moskvich”, “ZAZ”, “UAZ” and other vehicles being CIS production: from May 01 to July 01;
- for load cars and buses: from July 01 to September 01;
- for vehicle cars produced in the foreign countries (except CIS countries): from September 01 to October 31;
8.2.1. A vehicle which is registered in the production year is not involved to technical view that year and it is provided with technical view coupon during registration. Vehicles which produced in the previous years, registered in the current year are involved to the technical view.
8.2.2. Vehicles voluntarily presented by citizens before the determined period may be involved in technical view.  
8.2.3. Technical view coupon is given after technical view and the next period of technical view is shown in this coupon.
8.2.4. Technical control and view of vehicles, belonging to embassies, consulates and other organizations, as well as foreigners having such status, is carried out by STP departments with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
8.3. Measurements on state technical view;
8.3.1. State technical view of vehicles is carried out by State Traffic Police Departments (inspection centers, diagnostic posts) on the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan Republic.
8.3.2. Annual technical view is prohibited for those vehicles which don’t have constant or temporary registration on the area (except Inspection Center on STP).
8.3.3. Technical condition and equipment of vehicles should correspond with requirements determined with Appendix #1 to the “Traffic Law”. Vehicles not having technically good condition are not allowed to road motion.
8.3.4. State Traffic Police compiles general schedule on state technical view of mechanical vehicles each year from January 1 by taking suggestions of legal persons into account. Name of legal person, number of vehicles, place and date of state technical view is shown in this scheme and its copy is sent to STP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
8.3.5. STP informs the public about state technical view regulations through the Media.
8.3.6. The place of state technical view (inspection center, technical control stations, garages for checking technical conditions of vehicles, institutions and other areas) is determined by STP.
8.3.7. Institutions administration fills the required information (except the opinion for technical condition) in state technical view act forms (Appendix #9 and #10 to the instruction) and this act is approved by institution administration and accountant, and then is submitted to STP 10 days before the technical view.
8.3.8. If technical view is carried out in institutions, then officials and engineering-technical staff of this institution are involved in checking technical condition of vehicles.
8.4. Regulations of vehicles’ involvement in state technical view;
8.4.1. Owners of vehicles (responsible person), is responsible to present their vehicles in good condition to state technical view not late than the period determined in the coupon. For failure to comply with this period, the owner of the vehicle (driver) is responsible for administrative rule.
8.4.2. State technical view of vehicles is carried out by their owners or another person having order right after the following documents are submitted:
1) document giving the right to control the vehicle;  
2) registration certificate of vehicle;
3) document of technical repair area or station about eliminating derangements;
4) documents about state and road tax payments according to Azerbaijan Republic legislation.

It is prohibited to demand other documents besides the required ones.
8.4.3. In case if it is not possible to carry vehicles to the state technical view place (due to technical derangement and etc.), then its owner or other responsible person for its technical condition addresses to STP in written form within the period determined in the 8.4.1 article of this instruction.  
Technical view is carried out by STP employee in the parking place. When derangement is found, then technical view act is compiled in two copies, front registration sign is taken away, exploitation of vehicles is prohibited until derangement is solved. The 1st copy of that act is kept in STP; another copy is given to the owner of vehicle.
NOTE: Transportation of vehicle is provided by its owner in that case.
8.4.4. After derangement is solved, vehicle is re-viewed and if it is in good condition its registration sign is given back and state technical view coupon is given to its owner.
8.5. Rules of state technical view:
8.5.1. State technical view is carried out in STP Departments having relevant condition for checking technical condition of vehicles (inspection stands control-measurement devices, lifting mechanisms, ditches and etc.), their inspection centers, also transport institutions defined by STP, technical service stations, technical control stations and etc.
8.5.2. State technical view of each vehicle is started with checking the accordance of the kind, model, registration sign and numbers, colors of vehicles with the notes shown in registration certificate.
8.5.3. In case if falsification is found out in documents about discrepancy of vehicles with the notes in registration documents, then these documents are taken away and vehicles are kept in the determined procedure. The defected fact is documented according to legislation (act is compiled with participation of its owner and etc.) and sent to investigation organ.
8.5.4. While carrying out state technical view for operation service vehicles, then existence of special light and voice signals, also color graphics of vehicles and their accordance with special norms and standards are checked.
8.5.5. Technical condition of trailers (half-trailers) is checked in the connected situation with the car (they are also provided with technical view coupon).  
8.5.6. While state technical view is carried out, if there is any doubt for good condition of vehicles, then technical condition of device and conductor aggregates is checked without taking out the props.
8.5.7. Vehicles, which don’t follow 8.3.3 case of this instruction, are considered disordered and their exploitation is prohibited according to the legislation.
If derangement is defected during technical view, then these vehicles are again technically viewed after such derangements are liquidated.
8.5.8. Vehicles which were technically viewed and are in good condition are given technical view coupon by STP (Appendix #11 to the instruction). Mark, state registration sign of vehicle, name and surname of its owner, date of technical view and other notes are taken in the coupon. The coupon is stamped by STP and glued in the right corner down for 15 cm of the front window of a car.
8.5.9. If coupon of state technical view is lost, or spoiled, then a new coupon is provided by STP after technical condition and registration documents of vehicles are checked.
8.5.10. Number and registration signs of technically viewed vehicles, date of technical view, number of coupon, annual tax amount and receipt number, also surname of its owner is written in registration documents of vehicles. Pages of a journal are numbered and kept in STP for 3 years.
8.5.11. Technical service of vehicles is carried out by their owners, or technical repair stations defined by the Cabinet of Ministers. Technical service of vehicles is carried out in technical-repair stations in the places where number of vehicles are more than 10.
8.6. Control over state technical view;
8.6.1. Control over state technical view of vehicles is carried out in the following forms:
- to check the date of state technical view and following the rules;
- to check accordance of technical condition and registration information of vehicles with the determined requirements (in the territory of institution, also during exploitation process);
- to check the accordance of the confirmed information about state technical view results with the number and registration information of calculated vehicles in STP;
8.6.2. Control over technical view of vehicles belonging to physical persons (registration of technical view results, notes about changing numbers and colors of vehicles) is carried out by instructing road patrol service inspectors. City-district STP departments, inspection centers gives provides the Central STP department with information of the implemented works (Appendix #13 to the instruction).
8.6.3. Technical view results are analyzed at the end of a year. Reasons for technical view of vehicles are researched, their number is defined, and appropriate measurement plan is prepared for the next year’s technical view.
8.7. Documentation of state technical view results;
8.7.1. Information on vehicles technically viewed or re-registered, as well as acts on state technical view results and filled blanks are sent to STP on constant registration of vehicles within 10 days.
8.7.2. Vehicles having temporary registration are not included the final report in the place of technical view; their report is submitted separately.
8.7.3. The following documents are submitted to STP in order to document state technical view results and to get coupon:
- 2 copies of the certified act by the legal person in order to be submitted for state technical view;
- documents on the number of vehicles, annual road tax of state technical view and on payment of the tax;  
Note: One copy of the act is returned back to the owner of vehicle after technical view is completed, the second copy is kept in STP for the next 1 year.
8.7.4. Number of cars in the balance of legal persons is confronted with registration papers in city-district STP Departments. Report on state technical view results approved with the order or Azerbaijan Republic State Statistics Committee #19/14 dated in 08.05.02 is submitted to STP Department and district (city) statistics department by November 15. The report is checked by STP department. Its copy is sent to the Cabinet of Ministers and State Statistics Committee within 1 month.
8.7.5. Technical condition of vehicles is researched according to the technical view results; measurement plan is prepared in order to liquidate the defected shortcomings.
8.7.6. Violation of these requirements will entail responsibility according to the legislation.
9. Exemplary division of official duties of the State Head Motor Inspector (state car inspector) on technical control activity
9.1. It controls technical condition and proper maintenance of vehicles in the highways, prohibits maintenance of the disordered vehicles, applies penalty for sinner legal and physical persons, provides presentation for liquidating shortcomings;
9.2. It organizes and takes part in state technical view of vehicles, provides reports for STP departments;
9.3. Compiles presentations about shortcomings in road traffic safety, also situation of traffic accidents and driver discipline in highways;
9.4. Provides close connection of service areas of STP with public representatives, teaches them road traffic safety rules;
9.5. Constantly analyzes road traffic accidents happened due to the technical derangement. Provides to fill in registration papers of traffic accidents and to send them to STP Department in time;
9.6. Organizes events on regulatory limit of harmful substances of vehicles;
9.7. Have speeches in local radio and newspapers on technical condition of transport park;
9.8. Accepts citizens on technical control activity, comes to decision on the basis of their addresses.
Appendix to instructions
Appendix #5 to the instruction;
List of installed vehicles of which project documents are not required
To install mists (as well as dangerous liquids) to the load cars or their mutually substitution;
In that case vehicle should follow the following safety regulations:
- diametrical overall dimensions should not be upper from intended limits in technical characteristics of the car;
-crow, mist or saddled devices should be fastened with standard conjunction details; (they should be appropriate for safety requirements)
- the placement of saddle device should correspond with the same stamped saddles and should provide trailer’s return to 90 degrees.
Installation of mists and other special equipments on the trailers;
- overall dimensions measure of the trailer should not be upper from the intended technical characteristics;
- mist, van and other equipments should be fastened to the trailer with standard conjunction details, (mists intended for dangerous liquids must correspond to special demands);
- trailer should be provided with additional insurance chain.
Installation of load lifting boards, winches, hydraulic cranes, concrete mixer devices, concrete pumps and etc. to the load cars;
Installation of such devices should be carried out according to the opinion of Scientific-Research Institute (laboratory) on road traffic safety. Tower of the hydraulic tap should be fastened during motion. It is not allowed to close registration sign of vehicles. The following safety regulations should be followed in that case:
- overall dimensions should not be upper from intended technical characteristics of the car;
- installed equipments should be fastened to the vehicle.
Replacement of motor vehicles: Such kind of installations is carried out according to opinions of manufacturing plant or Scientific-research institute (laboratory) on road traffic safety.
Installation of special equipments in load cars, vehicles and buses: In that case re-installed cars should follow the following motion safety:
- the whole mass and its distribution should be not upper from the intended characteristics of the vehicle;
- special equipment must be fastened stable, reliable;
- special equipments of cars should not have protuberances;
- special equipments should be installed close to the management system of vehicle.

Installation of vans in order to carry workshop, post, industry, furniture, food-stuffs and other loads;
Re-installed vehicles should follow the following requirements:
- overall dimension of vans should not be upper from the intended technical characteristics of vehicle;
- the door of a van should be places at the back or right corner;
- equipments of workshop should be fastened reliable;
- there must not be any protuberances in the side surfaces of a van;
- standard mirrors must be placed at the back corners of a van.

Load, equipment and passenger transportation (repair brigade, loader and etc.) must provide the following requirements of motion safety:
- there must be seat for each person;
- there must not be any protuberances in the van;
- displacement of the load should be prevented;
- a door of the van must be opened from the inside and outside;
- a van must be provided with ventilation, light and communication lines (signal, telephone, light and etc.).
Installation of vans for passenger transportation;
Re-installed vans for passenger transportation must follow the following motion safety requirements:
- overall dimension height mustn’t be more than 3,8 m and must be in the limit intended by manufacturing plant;
- distribution of the whole mass must correspond with the main characteristics of a car;
- a van must be fastened reliable to the load car;
- height of a van should provide passenger transportation only in the sedentary case;
- the door of a van must be opened from inside and outside, a car must be provided with the lock and stair;
-a van should have windows of 600x800 dimension in order to leave during accidents; a van should also be provided with ventilation, light, car heater, driver cabin and voice signals.
Vans should be provided with light devices, especially red lights from the front and back sides. .
Installation of cars of which fuel system is working with gasoline:Such kind of re-construction is allowed according to opinion of Scientific-Research Institute on road traffic safety. Such installations should be carried out in technical service areas intended for such services. Such technical repair area should provide that installation works are done in accordance with technical demands.
Re-construction of van motor vehicles, special-purpose motor vehicles;
Special equipments are demolished and seats are installed according to the buses in mass production during such kind of installation. A car should meet the following safety requirements:
- seats should secure sitting direction of passengers towards the movement;
- seats should not have protuberances which could cause some injuries, they should be fastened so that sharply braking can be prevented;
- The windows should be open for passengers going out easily during accidents.
Number of seats in passenger cars is installed according to the construction intended by a producer plant.
Installation of additional fuel to the vehicles;
The following safety requirements should be followed in that case:
-Additional fuel should be prepared according to the tanks prepared by Baku plant, should follow safety rules of the plant. Installation of fuel tank should be made according to technical norms.
NOTE: If there appear cases during reconstruction which are not intended in this instruction, then it will be carried out with the consent of STP department on the basis of other normative in force.
Technical view act may be required from State Traffic Police, registration-exam department or inspection center about technical condition of vehicle during changing of working functions.
Appendix to Instructions  

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