Informations 10 02 2025Y

The illegal actions of drivers under the influence of narcotics have been stopped

Traffic rules

Law “on traffic” of the Azerbaijan Republic

Chapter 5

Traffic Rules

Article 36. Main responsibilities and rights of traffic participants

I. Traffic participants:

1) have to observe traffic Rules, know the requirements of the Law concerning traffic safety matters and fulfil them;

2) have to obey regulator’s signals and signals of traffic lights used for traffic regulation, road signs, signing of road, sound and light signals used  in road works, differentiating signals of some transport vehicles and transport vehicle drivers’ signals;

3) have to create safety facilities for traffic and have not to damage other traffic participants, their transport vehicles and other property by their action or inaction;

4) have not to damage road cover or make it dirty, pull out road signs, block up them, damage road signs and install wilfully road signs, traffic lights and other technical means of traffic organization;

5) have not to make traffic difficult by throwing, taking out and putting on road  things causing obstacle for traffic or not procreate fear for traffic (if not possible to pretend from such obstacle and fear, to take measures to eliminate them as quickly as possible; if not possible to do this, to warn other traffic participants by means being on hand and ensure informing to due execution authority bodies of the Azerbaijan Republic);        

6) have to fulfil orders of due execution authorities of the Azerbaijan Republic concerning observation of traffic legislation;

7) officials of traffic, road, communal and other organization as well a worker working on road and other persons have to avoid making manoeuvres and other actions which can influence defined traffic rules.

II. Each traffic participant observing traffic rules may demand from other persons to keep same traffic rules.

III. Traffic participants have a right:

1) to have safe and comfortable traffic condition, to demand paying for a damage caused in the result of roads, streets, grounds and railway passages disparity to traffic safety requirements;

2) to complain to the Court about due execution authority bodies of the Azerbaijan Republic and road owners violating valid legislation;

3) to receive information about traffic condition from hydro-meteorological, road, communal and other organizations.

Article 37. Mechanical transport vehicle drivers’ responsibilities

I. Mechanical transport vehicle driver has to:

1) to keep a driving license (if not being an owner of private transport vehicle, to have a power of attorney giving a right to drive a transport vehicle and confirmed in a defined manner or to have a certificate on general ownership for transport vehicle); a special reference substituting a driving license if it has been taken by due execution authority bodies of the Azerbaijan Republic in a defined manner; a registration certificate of a transport vehicle; an insurance certificate, confirming compulsory insurance agreement of transport vehicle owner’s civil responsibility being concluded according to the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic; a special  consent or road (route) leaflet and documents concerning transported load in case of using transport vehicles for commercial purposes.

2) in case of stopping transport vehicle on the demand of the worker of execution authority bodies of the Azerbaijan Republic, after his coming up, to present him documents, mentioned in item 1 of the 1st part of the article, for checking and to get out from transport on same worker’s demand, if necessary.

3) before starting way, to check transport vehicle being in good technical condition according to the Annex ?1 to the present Law “on transport vehicles admission to using” and to ensure its being such all over the road.

4) to drive a transport vehicle at speed not exceeding defined limit, taking into consideration traffic condition, peculiarities of transport vehicle and transported load.

5) while making manoeuvres concerning change of motion strip, turning, overtaking, starting to move and stopping, to warn other traffic participants by means of external light signals or if not having them - by hand gestures;

6) while going by transport vehicle equipped with safety belts intended in their construction, to fasten belts and ensure passengers fastening belts too (children under 12 years old, drivers making manoeuvre on turning back, pregnant women, trainer while trained person driving a transport vehicle; in settlements  additionally operative transport vehicle drivers and passengers are allowed not to fasten safety belts) as well while going by motorcycle to fasten a motor-helmet and ensure passengers fastening motor-helmets too;

7) in case of coming up of the transport vehicle having superior right of passing  and giving a sign by twinkling red or blue light or special sound signal, to switch on a right turning light indicator, to empty a strip for same transport vehicle or to drive near side of road as close as possible as well to stop a transport vehicle, if necessary, and not to go after organized group of vehicles accompanied by a transport vehicle having superior right of passing and giving a sign by twinkling red or blue light or special sound signal.

8) not to drive a transport vehicle while being sick and weary because of having alcohol, narcotics, other things of powerful influence or drugs causing reduce of attention and agility what is dangerous for traffic as well not to give a right to drive a transport vehicle to another person being in such state or person not having a right to drive same category transport vehicle.

9) while driving a transport vehicle when there is water and mud on road, to try not to splash them over pedestrians, buildings and other transport vehicles;

10) to ensure going transport vehicle being kept in clearness for state registration number being well seen;

11) to take all possible measures for ensuring safety motion of undefended traffic participants – children, invalids, bicycle drivers and old men as well to have to stop immediately a transport vehicle on sign (sign is a raising of white hand-stick) of blind pedestrian passing a road;   

12) to stop a transport vehicle on a sign given by a worker of due execution authority bodies of the Azerbaijan Republic having on right hand horizontal baton or twinkling red and blue light being on policy transport vehicle or special sound signal;

13) to pass inspection on demand of the workers of execution authority bodies of the Azerbaijan Republic for checking of being drunkard in the result of having alcohol, narcotics, psychotropic things and their analogues or other things of strong influence;

14) to pass medical inspection in defined cases for confirming ability to drive a transport vehicle;

15) to transport persons needing urgent medical help.

II. Transport vehicle owner, not having documents defined by this article, bears responsibility in a manner defined by the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic.

III. Mechanical transport vehicles have to be presented for:

1) providing with urgent medical help of medical workers going in same direction;

2) transportation of transport vehicles damaged in the result of traffic accidents or because of uselessness; getting to natural disaster places; for execution authority bodies of the Azerbaijan Republic in other urgent cases intended by valid legislation.

Note: 1) requirement concerning presenting of transport vehicles for purposes intended in the 2nd part of this article does not refer to transport vehicles belonging to diplomatic corpus and other persons; 2) persons, having used a transport vehicle, has to submit a reference on driven period of time, driven distance, his surname, job, official card number, name of organization where he works or notes have to be done in his road leaflet; as for medical workers, they have to submit to a driver a reference in a defined pattern.

IV. During transport accident a mechanical transport vehicle driver has:

1) not to move a transport vehicle from its place, construct emergency stopping place, switch on light signals or put a torch with twinkling red light, not to change place of things referring to the accident;

2) to take all possible measures for first medical help to injurers,call an ambulance; in case of injurers having dangerous for life damage, to take them to nearest medical point by means of any transport vehicle going in same direction; if It’s being not possible, to take an injurer by his own transport vehicle to medical point, submit there his ID document or card, registration certificate of transport vehicle and inform his surname, registration number sign of transport vehicle, then turn back to the place of accident;

3) to empty an active part of the road if other transport vehicles motion is not possible. If there is a need to empty an active part of the road or transport injurers to medical point by his own transport vehicle, firstly to note state of damaged transport vehicle, signs and thing concerning the accident with the participation of witnesses as well to take all possible measures to organize their guard and other transport vehicles passing near place of accident;

4) to inform about traffic accident due execution authorities bodies of the Azerbaijan Republic, write witnesses’ names and addresses, wait until worker of due execution authority bodies of the Azerbaijan Republic comes;

5) If nobody has been damaged in the result of traffic accident, financial loss is being insignificant, there is no any disorder in transport vehicles and obstacle for their motion, traffic accident makers reach an agreement after appreciating situation, to work out and sign a traffic accident scheme and go to due execution authority body of the Azerbaijan Republic for documenting an accident in a defined manner.

V. Mechanical transport vehicle driver is not allowed:

1) to move a transport vehicle from its place with its doors being open or open doors during transport vehicle motion;

2) to participate in talk drawing away attention from driving a transport vehicle or  use a mobile phone keeping it  on hand during driving a transport vehicle;

3) to let free a steering from hand during driving or to drive a transport vehicle sluggishly with its engine being turned off.

4) to drive a transport vehicle on roads with improved cover in case of transport vehicle’s wheels and body having on rubbish and mud or fuel-lubricants, chemical substances, building and other materials flowing from them.

VI. While participation in International traffic, mechanical transport vehicle driver has:                 

1) to keep on hand a registration certificate of transport vehicle, a driving license  and documents concerning transported load;

2) to have a state registration  number of state issuing it and differentiating number   on transport vehicle;

3) not to drive lorries and load busses with absent controlling mechanism (tacho-graph) or not working one or tacho-graph with rubbed print as well not filled tacho-graph indicating driver’s work and rest regime.

Article 38. Bicycle driver’s duties

Person driving an engineless bicycle has to move on special bicycle strips or, if there are no such strips, apart from road or active part of the street or on road shoulders. For this he has:

1) to use  a bicycle being in good technical condition and properly equipped;

2) not to transport any load or passenger making an obstacle for driving a bicycle.

Article 39. Cattle passers’ duties:

Cattle passers have:

1) not to pass a cattle over roads covered with asphalt and cement-concrete;

2) not to pass a cattle in dark time of day or under conditions of limited seeing, through railways, roads, streets, grounds and places not specially separated for this purpose as well on active part of the road;

3) to pass a cattle over road attentively controlling it.

Article 40.  Pedestrian’s duties

I. Pedestrian has:

1) to go on pavement, pedestrian strip, road shoulders, bicycle road (if there is no others) on condition of not making bicycle drivers’ motion difficult or on external side of the roads having a separating strip (if motion of pedestrians, carrying or taking a load, as well persons going on engineless invalid cart on pavement or road shoulders, causes an obstacle for other pedestrians, they are able to go by side of active part of the road);

2) to pass through railways, active part of automobile road, pedestrian passages of streets as well underground and above ground passages; pavement lines of crossroads or road shoulder lines if there are no above mentioned ones;

3) while going on active part of the road aside from settlements, to go in direction being opposite to direction of transport vehicles motion (as for the persons going by engineless invalid carts as well persons driving motorcycles, mopeds, bicycles, in such cases they have to move in direction of transport vehicles);

4) to wait transport vehicles and taxis being in common use only on active part of the road - on boarding grounds being on comparatively little height or on pavement or on road shoulders if there is no boarding ground (in stopping- places not having boarding grounds raised on little height, it is allowed to go in        active part of the road for getting in transport vehicle only after it’s stopping. After getting out of transport vehicle, it is necessary to go out active part of the road immediately);

5) in regulated places of the road to be guided by a regulator or pedestrian traffic lights. If there are no above mentioned ones, be guided by traffic lights;

6) not to stop or be slow on active part of the road if it is not necessary;

7) not to pass through active part of the road while coming up of transport vehicle having superior right of passing and signing by twinkling red and blue lights or special sound signal (pedestrians being on active part of the road have to let these transport vehicles pass and empty active part of the road immediately);

8) to ensure not any transport vehicle coming up, before going in active part of the road from behind of stopped transport vehicle or other obstacle limiting seen area;

9) if there are no passages and crossroads in seen zone, to pass road under rectangle comparatively active part of the road in areas well seen from both sides and not having separating strips and drawn surface;

10) in dark time of day to pass through not lightened parts of the road only if there is no any transport vehicle in seen sphere.

II. In unregulated pedestrian passages, pedestrians may go in active part of the road only after appreciating distance from coming up transport vehicles and their speeds as well ensuring that their passing road will be safe for them.

III. Pedestrians, not passing the passage till its end, have to stop and wait on line separating opposite direction moving of transport vehicles. They may continue to pass a road only after being ensured in safety of motion and considering traffic lights (regulator) signal.

IV. Organized pedestrian groups are allowed to go only in direction of transport vehicles motion, on right side of the active part of the road by groups consisting of no more than four persons. There have to be accompaniers in front and back of the group on left side and they have to keep on hand red flags, switched on torches while going in dark time of day or in limitedly seen areas – a white lighted torch - in front of the group, a red lighted torch – on back of the group.

V. Children groups are allowed to go by adults’ accompaniment in light time of day and only on pavement, pedestrian road or road shoulder if there are no pavements and pedestrian roads.
Article 41. Pedestrian’s duties

Pedestrian has:

1) to get in and out of transport vehicle only from special boarding grounds or, if there is no such boarding ground, from side of pavement or road shoulder only after transport vehicle stopping (if pedestrians’ getting in and out of transport vehicle is not possible from side of pavement or road shoulder, they may get in and out of transport vehicle from active part of the road only on the condition of its being safe and not making obstacle for other traffic participants);

2) not to draw driver’s attention away from driving a transport vehicle while being on traffic;
3) to fasten safety belts while going by automobile equipped with them or put on motor-helmet while going by motorcycle.

Article 42. Starting-up for moving and making a manoeuvre    

I. Before starting-up for moving, changing of place, turning, overtaking and stopping, for turning to due direction a driver has to give a signal by external light signals or by hand gestures, if there is no light signals or they are not working. In this case manoeuvre has to be safe and not cause an obstacle for other traffic participants.

II. Left arm stretching out aside or rectangle-formed, up from elbow, fold right arm stretching out aside corresponds to sign of left (back) turning. Right arm stretching out aside or rectangle-formed, up from elbow, fold left arm stretching out aside corresponds to sign of right turning. Left or right arm stretching out upwards corresponds to a sign of braking.

III. Turning indications or signs by hand are given before starting-up to manoeuvre and stopped immediately after manoeuvres end (a sign by hands may be stopped directly before making a manoeuvre). In this case given signal has not to confuse other traffic participants. Giving a signal does not make a driver superior and discharge him from taking measures.

IV. While driver’s going in road from adjoining territory (territories being adjoined to both sides of the road and not directly intended for transport vehicle moving and yards, housing areas, automobile stopping-places, filling stations, enterprises and other objects placing there), he has to let pass transport vehicle and pedestrians, being on road as well while going out of road to aside, he has to let pass pedestrians and bicycle drivers causing an obstacle for traffic.

V. While changing a place, a driver not changing its own direction has to let pass transport vehicle going in same direction. If transport vehicles, going in same direction, change their place at the same time, a driver has to let pass transport vehicle being on his right.

VI. Excluding turning on crossroads with organized circle-form motion, before turning to the right, left or back, a driver has to take due distant position on active part in same direction. If there are tramway lines in same direction on the left, on the same level with active part and in case of not other traffic rules being defined by signs 5.8.1 and 5.8.2, it is necessary to turn to the left and back passing same lines.

VII. It is necessary to turn in such a way that transport vehicle will not pass the road of transport vehicle coming in the opposite direction while its going out from place of crossing of active parts. While transport vehicle turning to the right, it has to move near right side of active part as close as possible.

VIII. If transport vehicle can not turn by meeting the requirements intended in the 6th part of this article because of its dimensions or other reasons, it is allowed to violate these requirements only on the condition of safety being ensured and this transport vehicle not being an obstacle for other ones.

IX. While turning to the left or back aside from crossroad, a driver of not railed transport vehicle has to let pass transport vehicles coming in opposite direction and tramway going in same direction. While turning back aside from crossroad, if active part has not necessary width for making a manoeuvre from left side of the road, it is allowed to make a manoeuvre from right side of the road (right edge of the road). In this case a driver has to let pass transport vehicle coming from behind and from the front.

X. In case of motion trajectories of transport vehicles being crossed and turn of passing is not defined by traffic rules, transport vehicle coming from the right has a superior right to pass.

XI. If there is a braking strip, driver wishing to change direction has to pass to same strip and only there reduce speed. If there is a speeding strip in place of going in road, a driver has to drive by same strip and go for neighbour strip letting pass other transport vehicle going on this road.

XII. It is prohibitive to turn back in below mentioned cases:

1) in pedestrian passages;

2) in tunnels;

3) on bridges, piers and under them;

4) in railway passages;

5) in places, where at least in one direction at least 100 metres part of road is seen; 

6) in location place of  stopping-places of common use transports.

XIII. Turning back of the transport vehicle is allowed only on the condition of this manoeuvre being safe and not causing an obstacle for other transport vehicles. If necessary, a driver has to use other persons’ help.

XIV. It is prohibitive to move back on crossroads and places where turning back is prohibitive on the basis of the 2nd part of this article.

XV. In case of motion superiority not being defined by road signs, a driver going in a crossroad with organized circle-form motion has to let pass transport vehicles going on circle.

Article 43. Moving on motor-roads

I. Transport vehicle drivers going in a motor-road have to let pass transport vehicles going on motor-road. If there is a speeding strip there, drivers have to use it.

II. On motor-road below mentioned ones are prohibitive:

1) motion of pedestrians, cattle, horse-cart transports, load motor-rollers, horsemen, hand carts, bicycles, mopeds, tractors, agriculture vehicles and itself going vehicles as well other transport vehicles having speed less than 50km an hour in accordance with their technical characteristics and condition (excluding cases of repair service on motor-roads);

2) motion of lorries, having more than maximum allowed 3,5 tones weight, on strips after 2nd strip.

3) to stop or stay aside from special stopping-places signed with 5.15 or 6.11 signs;

4)  to turn back and go in technological sections (cuts) of separating strip;

5) to move back;

6) to pass driving training.

III. If a driver is obliged to stop on active part on motor-road, he has to sign a transport vehicle in accordance with the requirements of this Law and take measures to drive it to the strip (road part being on right from line indicating side of the active part) intended for this.

IV. Requirements of this Law refer to the roads signed by 5.3 sign.

Article 44. Motion in railway passages

I. Transport vehicles may pass railway road only through railway passages letting pass a train (locomotive, railcar).

II. While coming up to the railway passage, a driver has to be guided by road signs, traffic lights, signing lines, position of barrier and passage assistant’s instructions and ensure that there is no any coming up train (locomotive, railcar).

III. It is prohibitive to go into passage:

1) while barrier being closed or starting to close not depending from traffic lights signals;

2) while traffic forbidding light switches on (not depending from being and position of barrier);
3) on passage assistant’s giving a forbidding signal (while assistant keeps a baton, red torch or small flag over head or stays stretching out arms aside with nest or back to a driver);

4) if there is a traffic jam on that part and this obliges a driver to stop in passage;

5) if there is a train (locomotive, railcar) coming up to the passage (within seen area);

6) to pass over transport vehicles stopping in front of the passage  by going into a traffic strip from the front;

Besides this, it is prohibitive:

1) to open a barrier wilfully;

2) to pass agriculture vehicles as well road, construction and other vehicle being in non-transport condition through railway passage;

3) motion of transport vehicles having speed less than 8 km an hour as well a load sledge connected to tractor without permission of the railway station director.

IV. If there is no any prohibition to pass over passage, a driver has to stop near stop-line, 2.5 sign or traffic light or at distance at least 5m to the barrier (if there is no stop-line, 2.5 sign or traffic light) or at distance least 10m to the first rail. 

V. In case of driver’s obligatory stopping in the passage, he has to unload people from transport vehicle immediately and take measures to empty the passage. At the same time a driver has:

1) to give stopping signs to the machinist of the coming up train in order to stop a train – if possible to place two persons (explaining them the situation) on railway line at distance 1000m (if there is only one person, to place him on worse seen part of the road); 

2) to stay near transport vehicle and give general alarm signals;

3) as soon as train is being seen, to run in its direction and give stopping signals.

Note:  A stopping signal consists of making circle-form  arm gesture (in light time of day  - by a bright coloured cloth or any well seen thing, at night – by torch or lamp). A general alarm signal consists of giving several signals – one long and two short ones.   

Article 45. Motion in living zones

I. Pedestrians’ motion in area being a living zone as well on active part is completely allowed. Pedestrians have a superior right in living zones, but they have not to cause reasonless obstacles for transport vehicles motion.

II. It is prohibitive to go at speed more than 20 km an hour in living zones aside  from specially separated areas, shown by signs and signed areas, to pass driving training, to stop with engine switched on as well to stop lorries having more than maximum permitted weight of 3,5 tones.

III. While going out from a living zone, pedestrians have to let pass other traffic participators.

VI. Requirements of this article also refer to yard areas.

Article 46. Requirements concerning bicycles and mopeds motion

I. Bicycles and mopeds have to go only on right side strip of the road, meeting requirements of road signs or signing of road, and go in one row on right side as soon as possible. Bicycles motion on road shoulder is allowed only on the condition that it will not make an obstacle for pedestrians. While bicycle groups moving on active part of the road, every group has to be consisted of no more than 10 bicycle drivers. For making overtaking of transport vehicles easy, there have to be 80-100m distance between groups.

II. Bicycle and moped drivers are not permitted:

1) to drive without holding a steering or violating the rules of using safety helmets;

2) to transport a load being out of a bicycle or moped length and width dimensions for 0,5 m or preventing to drive bicycle or moped;

3) if there is a road for a bicycle, to drive on road being near it;

4) to turn to the left or back on roads intended for tramway motion and roads having more than one motion strip in same direction;

5) to transport passengers;

6) to use a bicycle of bad technical condition and not being equipped in a defined manner;

7) it is prohibitive to take in tow bicycles and mopeds as well to be taken in tow  by them, excluding the cases of trailer, intended for using with bicycle or moped, being taken in tow.

III. Bicycle and moped drivers have to let pass transport vehicles going at unregulated crossing of road with bicycle road, aside from a crossroad.

Article 47. Requirements concerning driving of horse-carts and passing a cattle

I. Horse-carts (sledges), load and boarding animals are allowed to move only in one row, as right as possible from right side strip of the road. Their motion on road shoulder is also possible only on the condition that it will not cause an obstacle for pedestrians.

II. While going out from territory adjoined to road or second-class road, where seeing is limited, a driver of horse-cart (sledge) has to take the animal to the main road, holding it by its bridle.

III. In order to make overtaking easy, load and boarding animals have to be divided into packs as well horse-carts and sledges have to be divided into groups consisting of no more than 5 ones in each, the distance between each group or each pack has to be at least 80-100 m.

IV. It is necessary to pass a cattle through road only in light time of day and making a control over it.

V. While passing a cattle through railway lines or active part of the road,it is necessary to divide cattle into groups taking into consideration number of passers in order to ensure safe passing of cattle.

VI. It is prohibitive for drivers of horse-cart transports (sledges), drivers of load and boarding animals and passers of cattle:

1) to leave a cattle on road without control;

2) to pass a cattle through railway lines and roads aside from the places specially separated for this as well in dark time of day and under condition of limited seeing (on different levels not intended for passing a cattle);

3) to pass a cattle over a road covered with asphalt and cement-concrete.

Note: Horse-carts (sledges) have to be provided with lighting setting and in dark time of day - with a torch additionally.

Article 48. Motion of transport vehicle with superior movement regime and other drivers’ duties related to this.

I. Transport vehicles with a writing “policy”, “ambulance”, “fire-fighter” as well other transport vehicles, determined by due execution authority body of the Azerbaijan Republic while their implementing a special task, have a superior motion regime. Under these conditions drivers of these transport vehicles have to switch on special light and sound signals.

II. In case of one of the above mentioned transport vehicles coming up, drivers of other transport vehicles being on traffic have to switch on a light indicator of turning to the left, empty a strip for transport vehicles going with superior motion regime or drive transport vehicle near the side of the road as close as possible and, if necessary, stop it. It is prohibitive for transport vehicles not belonging to the group to join and go after organized vehicle group accompanied with a transport vehicle, having a superior right of passing and giving a sign by twinkling red and blue lights or special sound signal.

III. Aside from a crossroad, in places where tramway line crosses with active part of the road, tramway has a superior right over not railed transport vehicles (excluding the case of its going out of depot). 

IV. On roads signed with signs 5.9, 5.10, 1-5, 10.3 and having a strip, intended for common use transport vehicles, other going transport vehicles are not allowed to go and stop on the same strip. In case of this strip being separated from remained part of the road by cut signing line, transport vehicles may pass                      to this strip by turning. It is also allowed to pass to this strip in such places while going in road or passenger getting in and out on right side of the active part of the road. However this has not to make an obstacle for common use transport vehicles.

V. In settlement pedestrians have to let pass trolleybuses and buses starting to move from signed stopping-places. Drivers of trolleybuses and buses have to move only after ensuring of their being let to pass. Driver of the transport vehicle of superior regime may violate the requirements of this Law only under condition of not put other traffic participants under the threat. In all cases he has to obey regulator’s signals.

Article 49. Placing of transport vehicle on active part of the road

I. While normal traffic, dependently from situation, transport vehicle drivers have to move on left side of the active part of the road. Aside from settlements as well in settlements on active part of the road signed with 5.1 or 5.3 signs in the direction of motion, it is prohibitive to move on left strips                                     while right strip is free.   

II. It is prohibitive to pass to the side, mentioned for motion in opposite direction, on two-direction roads having a least two motion strips in each direction.

III. On two-direction roads having three strips, transport vehicles have not to pass to medium strip, placing in centre of the active part of the road and being considered as left side for both directions. It is allowed to pass to the medium strip only for overtaking, passing near and turning to the left or back.

IV. In case of tramway lines placing on road, having at least two strips in same direction, it is prohibitive to go on tramway lines. On other roads while tramway is coming up, transport vehicle drivers  have to empty tramway lines as soon as possible.  

V. On road having three or more motion strips in same direction, while intensive traffic time of transport vehicles positioning on all motion strips, slowly going transport vehicles have to move only on right side strip; as for the transport vehicle weighting more that 3.5 tones, they have not to keep right side motion strip in the same direction; case of changing direction of motion to the left or case of turning is excluded.

VI. While intensive traffic, transport vehicle drivers may change the strip, where they are, by observing traffic rules only for tuning to the left or to the right, starting to overtake, continuing to go straight and going out into stopping-places or stations.                            .

Article 50. Motion speed and interval distance between transport vehicles

I. Transport vehicle driver has to drive a transport vehicle at speed being no more than defined speed limit taking into consideration intensity of traffic, transport vehicle, characteristics and position of load, road and meteorological condition and  specially state of seeing in direction of motion. In case of driver’s seeing dangerous for traffic situation, he has to take all possible measures for reducing speed of transport vehicle until already stopping one.
II. Transport vehicles have:

1) to move at speed no more than 60km an hour within settlements (competent bodies may determine higher speed limit in definite parts of the road, however this speed limit has not to be higher than 90 km an hour, in living zones and yard areas – no more than 20 km an hour);

2) cars and lorries having whole mass less than permitted 3.5 tones - to move aside from settlements: on motor roads – at speed no more than 110 km an hour, on other roads – at speed no more than 90 km an hour;  

3) interurban buses and  specially small buses and motorcycles – to move aside from settlements, on all roads – at speed no more than 90 km an hour;

4) other buses, cars carrying a trailer in tow, lorries having whole mass more than permitted 3.5 tones  -  to move aside from settlements: on motor roads - at speed no more than 90 km an hour, on other roads – 70 km an hour;

5) lorries transporting people on its body – at speed no more than 50 km an hour;

6) transport vehicles carrying a mechanical transport vehicle in tow – at speed no more than 50 km an hour;

7) transport vehicles transporting dangerous, heavy and large dimensions load –  to move at speed no more limit determined while agreeing transportation conditions. 

III. Depending from speed and traffic state, transport vehicle driver has to choose such interval distance so that he will be able to pretend from colliding with transport vehicle going in the front while sharp reducing a speed or sudden stopping of front transport vehicle.

IV. Aside from settlements in order to make overtaking easy, drivers of slowly going transport vehicle, transport vehicles transporting heavy load or long transport vehicles have to keep sufficient interval distance between them and transport vehicle going in front of them for overtaking transport vehicle ending overtaking under completely safe condition. This requirement is not conformed to, if driver has already started to overtake or it is overtaking.

V. Transport vehicles of superior motion regime may move at needed speed. Drivers of mentioned transport vehicles have to take all kind of measures to pretend from traffic accidents.

VI. It is prohibitive for drivers:

1) to drive a transport vehicle at speed more than maximum speed defined in accordance with it technical characteristics;

2) to drive unnecessary at speed less than limit speed and make an obstacle for other transport vehicles;

3) to brake a transport vehicle sharp, excluding necessary cases of preventing from traffic accident.

Article 51. Overtaking and mutual passing

I. Before starting to overtake, driver has to ensure:

1) that motion strip, he wants to go in, is empty in sufficient distance for overtaking and if he makes this manoeuvre, he will not make an obstacle  for transport vehicles going in opposite direction and going on the same strip;

2)  that transport vehicle going after in the same strip has not started to overtake him and transport vehicle in front has not given a signal on overtaking, turning to the left, changing of place;

3) that motion strip, he wants to go in, is empty in sufficient distance (in order not to cause a danger and obstacle for transport vehicle going in opposite direction and going in the same strip)  and relative speed of two transport vehicles will give an opportunity to end overtaking in sufficiently short period of time.

II. It is allowed to overtake not railed transport vehicle only from the left. However transport vehicle, the driver of which gives a signal of turning to the left and starting to make a manoeuvre, is necessarily overtaken from the right.

III. At the end of overtaking, the driver has to return to motion strip  he was before (excluding cases of permitting to overtake from the right). However, if there are two or more motion strips in the same direction, overtaking driver may stay on the left strip if he will return to the strip he was and start immediately to overtake again and he will not make an obstacle for the transport vehicles going after him at more speed.

IV. It is prohibitive to make an obstacle for overtaking transport vehicle by increasing a speed or other actions.

V. Overtaking is prohibitive:

1) at regulated crossroads – by passing to strip of opposite motion and  at unregulated crossroads – by moving on road being no head one (excluding overtaking at crossroads with circle-form motion, overtaking two-wheeled transport vehicles having no side trailer and permitted overtaking from the right);

2) in pedestrian passages –  if there are pedestrians there;

3) in railway passages and places being at distance 100 m to them;

4) overtaking transport vehicle or transport vehicle passing near;

5) at the end of ascent and in other limitedly seen places of road – by passing  to the strip of opposite direction motion;

6) in tunnels.

VI. If aside from settlements overtaking of slowly going transport vehicles or vehicles with large dimensions becomes difficult, a driver has to draw his transport vehicle to the right as far as possible and let pass transport vehicles being gathered after him.

VII. In cases of mutual passing becoming difficult – driver, on which side the obstacle is, has to let pass. In case of obstacle being in places signed with 1.13 and 1.14 signs, the driver of the transport vehicle going down over slope has to let pass transport vehicle going up over ascent.

Article 52. Stopping and staying

I. If other instruction is not intended in regulating means, transport vehicles are permitted to stop and stay in one row on right side of the road – on road shoulder or at side of active part of the road if there is no road shoulder. Motorcycles without side trailers, mopeds and bicycles may stop and stay in two rows                 at side of the active part of the road.

II. It is permitted to stop and stay at left side of the road, if stopping at right side is impossible because of a tramway line being in settlements or on roads with one direction motion (lorries having weight more than maximum permitted 3.5 tones are allowed to stay at left side of roads with one direction moving only for loading and unloading goods). Only cars, motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles are allowed to stay at side of pavement adjoining to the active part of the road on condition that they will not make an obstacle for pedestrians’ motion.

III. Aside from settlements, long time resting, staying overnight and stopping for rest is permitted only on the grounds constructed for these purposes or aside from road.

IV. Stopping is prohibitive in below-enumerated places:

1) on tramway lines and directly near tramway lines, if it will make an obstacle for tramway motion;

2) in tramway passages, tunnels, piers, on bridges (if there are less than three motion strips in same direction) and under them;

3) at 3m distance from the transport vehicle stopped by 1.1, 1.3 and 1.11 horizontal sighing lines;

4)  in pedestrian passages and at 5m distance from them;

5) near dangerous turnings on active part of the road and places of profile distinctly bend over road length – if seen area of road in each direction is less than 100m;

6) at crossing place of active parts and at distance less than 5m from side of crossing active part, excluding cases of stopping in the front of side passage at three-side crossroad having a 1.1-1.4 signing line or a separating strip;

7) on small stopping ground or at distance less than 15m from road signs 5.12  or 5.13 indicating location of stopping-places for common use transport vehicles;

8) at places where transport vehicle prevents other transport vehicle from seeing  traffic lights signals and road signs by stopping in front signals and signs, where transport vehicle makes other ones motion impossible (going in and out) or where it makes an obstacle for pedestrians’ motion;

9) on pavements – if other instruction is not intended by regulating means;

10) in zones of 3.27 road sign and 1.4 signing line influence;

11) on motor roads or roads signed by 5.3 sign aside from small special stopping-places signed by 5.15 or 6.11.

IV. Driver of common use transport vehicles is forbidden to stop a transport vehicle for passengers getting in and out aside from small grounds specially defined for this purpose or stopping-places signed by 5.12 and 5.13 signs. Taxis are forbidden to stop for receiving order at places aside from stopping-places specially defined for this purpose and signed by 5.14 sign.

V. While placing a transport vehicle at stopping-place, driver has to switch off an engine, switch on stop brake system, turn wheels to the side of pavement or other obstacle on side of road and lock doors. While stopping a transport vehicle, whole mass of which is more than maximum permitted 3.5 tones, at stopping-place on ascent or slope, driver has to put a plug under even if one wheel in order to prevent from transport vehicle motion itself.

VI. Transport vehicles are forbidden to stay in below mentioned places:

1) at places where stopping is forbidden;

2) aside from settlements – on active part of roads;

3) at places signed by 5.1 sign;

4) at 50m distance from railway passages;

5) in front of entrance or gate;

6) in zones of 3.28 sign and 1.10 signing line influence.

VII. In case of obligatory stopping at places where stopping is forbidden, driver has to take all possible measures to take transport vehicle from that place.

VIII. It is prohibitive to open doors, if they will make an obstacle for other participants of traffic.

IX. Driver may leave its place or transport vehicle and go only after having taken all necessary measures to exclude transport vehicle ability to move itself or its using while driver’s being absent.

Article 53. Parking

I. It is allowed to park transport vehicles at places specially separated for this purpose and signed by signs or signing line. 

II. It is prohibitive to park transport vehicles at places not ensuring traffic safety and on active part of the road.

Article 54. Pedestrian passages and stopping of common use transport vehicles                                    

I. While permission signal of the traffic lights being switched on in regulated pedestrian passages, a driver has to let passengers to finish passing road on same direction active part of the road. If in pedestrian passage  motion of transport vehicles is not regulated by a regulator or traffic lights, while coming up to the passage, driver has to reduce speed necessarily not to make pedestrians starting to pass road to be exposed to danger. If pedestrian has already entered pedestrian passage or is entering it, transport vehicle driver has to stop a transport vehicle and let pass a pedestrian.

II. If transport vehicles stops in front of unregulated pedestrian passage or reduces speed, drivers of other transport vehicles moving on neighbour strips may continue their way only after ensuring that there are no pedestrians in front of stopping transport vehicle.

III. If there is a stopper on other side from pedestrian passage and this will oblige  a driver to stop in pedestrian passage, his entering into pedestrian passage is forbidden.

IV. In settlement aside from pedestrian passages, a driver has to let pass blind pedestrians giving a sign by a white walking-stick.

V. If getting in or out of common use transport vehicles is carried out on active part of the road or on small boarding grounds, a driver has to let pass passengers going to or getting out from common use transport vehicle stopping at stopping-place (from side of doors).

VI. While coming up to the transport vehicle with recognizing sign “Children”, a driver has to reduce speed, stop, if necessary, and let pass children.

Article 55. Transport vehicles being out of order and their being taken in tow   

I. In case of transport vehicle being out of order, a driver has to draw it aside from active part of the road, if it is impossible, to draw it next to pavement border (side constructive limit of road cover being on level of active part or a little bit higher than it) or to road shoulder, place transport vehicle parallel to side of active part of the road and inform technical help service.

II. In case of transport vehicle obligatory stopping at places where stopping is forbidden or, if transport vehicle stopping on active part of the road makes an obstacle for other traffic participants, a driver has to switch on a light signal of emergency stopping or install an emergency stop sign.

III. Emergency stop sign is installed at rear of transport vehicle and in front of it, if necessary, at distance at least 30m from transport vehicle in same strip so that drivers of coming up transport vehicles will be able to see it at distance. While traffic being intensive in settlements, emergency stop sign may be installed at nearer distance or directly on the transport vehicle so that drivers of coming up transport vehicle will be able to see it.

IV. If transport vehicle has not been provided with emergency stop light signal or it is out of order, a driver may use a twinkling red light portative torch at night or under condition of limited seeing.

V. Transport vehicles are taken in tow by observing below mentioned rules:

1) a driver of the transport vehicle which will take in tow has to have at least one year practice of driving;

2) there have to be a  driver or other person having a driving license of due category in transport vehicle taken in tow;

3) while starting to move, driver of the transport vehicle taking in tow has to switch on near headlights in the day-time;

4)  driver of transport vehicle taken in tow has to give signals in accordance with signals of driver of transport vehicle taking in tow;

5) transport vehicle has not take in tow transport vehicle weighting more it’s own mass (excluding cases of transport vehicles taking in tow specially intended for this purpose);

6) while taking in tow a speed of motion has to be no more than 50 km an hour;

7) it is prohibitive to transport passengers on board platform of buses, trolleybuses and lorries which are being taken in tow;

8) taking in tow of the transport vehicle, brake and steering of which are out of order, has to be carried out by their whole or partially loading;

9) while acute taking in tow connecting part has to ensure that there are at most 4m distance between transport vehicles, as for elastic taking in tow - the distance should be from 4m till 6m. While elastic taking in tow every meter of connecting part has to be accordingly signed by signal boards or flags.

VI. It is prohibitive to take in tow in following cases:

1) when road is slippery;

2) if after taking in tow, common length of whole transport vehicle row is more than 24 m;

3) by two-sided motorcycles or taking in tow them;

4) more than one transport vehicle.

Article 56. Transportation of people

I. Lorries transporting people on its body are allowed to be driven only by persons having “S” category (while transporting people including people being in cabin) and also “C” and “D” categories driving licenses.  

II. While being transported on board platform of lorries, it is prohibitive to stand, to seat on board or load, to open doors of the transport vehicle during motion.

Note: Allowance of military drivers to transport people by lorries is implemented in a definite manner.

III. If lorry with board platform has been equipped in below a mentioned way it is permitted to transport people on its body:

1) seats on body should be fastened on the height 0.3-0.5m from the floor and at least 0.3m distance from top of body;

2) support of seats placing over back and side boards should be fastened firmly.

IV. The quantity of people transported on body of lorry has not to be more than quantity of installed places for seating.

V. Before starting to move, the driver of lorry has to give direction to passengers about rules on getting in, getting out and placing on body. It is possible to start moving only after ensuring that safety transportation of passengers is guaranteed.

VI. On body, being board platform of lorry not provided with equipment for transportation of people, only persons accompanying load or going to buy it may go in case of automobile being provided with a seat placing lower than board level.

VII. In case of transporting group of children in bus, there has to be one adult accompanier near them. In the front and rear of such transport vehicles there have to be a “Children” recognizing sign.

IX. Transportation of people is forbidden:

1) aside from cabin of cars, tractors and other self-going vehicles (excluding transportation on body or body-van of lorry having a board platform), on load trailer, trailer-pasture, on body of load motorcycle and motorcycle construction where are not places intended for seating;

2) excluding children being under age of 12 years old, it is prohibitive to transport  children above age of 12 years old of by transport vehicle, if their quantity is more than quantity intended in technical characteristics of transport vehicle (factual mass of the transport vehicle should not be more than permitted maximum mass defined by a manufacture enterprise) as well to transport them on back seat of motorcycle, front seat of car if there is no any setting for catching a child;

3) it is prohibitive to transport children by groups on board platform of lorries and body-van.

X. It is prohibitive for passengers:

1) while motion to get in and out from common use transport vehicles, to keep their doors open or open them by force;

2) while motion to stand on steps of tramways, trolleybuses, buses or other transport vehicles or to stand on body of lorry;

3) to open doors of the transport vehicle while motion. They have to open them only after transport vehicle stopping or staying after ensuring that there is no any danger;

4) to distract driver’s attention from driving a transport vehicle;

5) to stay too long on the active part of the road after getting out of transport vehicle;

6) to throw any thing outside from transport vehicle.

XI. Common use transport vehicles transporting passengers as well lorries, transporting people, are not allowed to enter filling station with passengers.

Article 57. Transportation of load

I. Mass of the transported load and its distribution over axles has not to be more than the ones defined by the manufacture enterprise for this type of transport vehicle.

II. Driver has to control over load placing, having been into a knot and its position before starting to move and while motion in order to prevent from its falling and not making an obstacle.

III. Transportation of load is permitted on the condition that:

1) this will not threaten people and not damage personal or other properties;

2) this will not limit driver’s seeing around, not to disorder transport vehicle durability and not make hard to drive;

3) load will not fall and trailing over road;
4) load will not place before external light signals and light-reflectors as well not make an obstacle to receive signals given by hand;

5) load will not make a sound, raise dust and pollute environment and road.

IV. If load position and its placing do not meet intended requirements, driver has to take measures to eliminate these violations or stop moving.

V. If load is out of the length of the transport vehicle in the front and from rear – out for more than 1m from external side of light or more than 0.4m from side, it has to be signed by a “large dimensions load” recognizing sign; as for in dark time of day and under conditions of bad seeing, in addition to this, it has to be signed by a white light torch or a light-reflector in front as well by a red light torch or a light-reflector from rear.

VI. Transportation of heavy weighting loads, dangerous loads and not rendered harmless tares as well moving of transport vehicles with dimension parameter width being more than 2.5m, the height being 4m higher than surface of active part of the road, length for articulated lorry with one trailer - being more than 20m, for articulated lorry with two trailers - being more than 24m or moving of transport vehicles the load which is out for more than 2m from back point of their parameter dimensions is organized in accordance with special rules.

VII. While transporting grain, grass, fodder, they have to be covered with cover.

VIII. If load fallen on active part of the road from transport vehicle makes an obstacle and it is not possible to take it away immediately, the driver has to switch on emergency stop sign or put a twinkling red light portative torch.    
 IX. It is prohibitive for drivers of microbuses, buses and cars:

a) to transport load on roof, if there is no load place specially installed for this purpose;

b) to transport large-dimension or very long things leaving the front of load place open;

X. Inflammable, explosive, radioactive, strong harmful matters or other dangerous loads have to be transported only by transport vehicles specially equipped and having distinguishing-recognizing signs on conditions defined by special orders.

Article 58. Regulator signals

I. Regular signals are used for realizing control over traffic rules on roads, crossroads and other places as well preventing from traffic tension and its elimination (Annex ?2).

II. Regular signal have the following meanings:

1) signals referring to drivers of all transport vehicles and pedestrians:

a) “Attention. Stop moving” signal forbids motion, but transport vehicles and pedestrians already being at crossroads are allowed to continue their way;

b) “Motion in definite direction” signal forbids the moving of transport vehicles and pedestrians coming from front and back of regulator; allows tramways coming from left and right side of regulator to go straight, not railed transport vehicles – to go straight and to the right; allows pedestrians from front and back - to pass active part of the road;

c) “Turning to the left” signal allows tramways coming from left side of regulator to turn to the left, not railed transport vehicles – to move in all directions, transport vehicles coming from front – to turn to the right, pedestrians from back – to pass active part of the road as well forbids motion of transport vehicles coming from the left and back of regulator.

2) Signals referring concretely to a transport vehicle driver and a pedestrian:

a) “Reduce speed” signal, if a regulator moves his hand up and down, it means he requires from transport vehicle driver to reduce speed in permitted directions;

b) “Increase speed” signal, if a regulator makes circle-form gestures by hand in horizontal position (in direction of clock hand), it means he requires from driver of transport vehicle to increase speed in permitted directions as well from pedestrians - to be hurry passing the road;

c) If “Stop” signal is directed by a regulator to any transport vehicle, the driver of that transport vehicles is required to stop transport vehicle at side of the active part of the road.

III. In unusual cases, a regulator may give other signals being clear to the traffic participants and different from meanings of signals mentioned in the 2nd part of the article.

IV. While giving signals intended in this article, a regulator may also use a whistle.

V. A regulator has to stand at such place and has to be provided so that traffic participants will be able to see signals given by him in the day-time and in darkness too. For this, in darkness a regulator has to stand at lightened place or his baton has to be a light reflecting one.

Article 59. Signals of traffic lights

I. Traffic lights are used for regulation of traffic on roads, at crossroads and other places. In signals given by traffic lights green, yellow, red and white-yellowish colours are used (Annex ?3).

II. According to their destination, traffic lights may be circle-formed, with axle (axles), pedestrian or bicycle silhouettes as well X-formed. Traffic lights with circle-form signals may have one or two additional divisions  in the form of a green axle (axles): these divisions are placed on the level of circle-form green signal.

III. Circle-form signals of traffic lights have the following meanings:

1) green light switching on  - this signal allows motion;

2) green light switching on and off – this signal allows motion and notifies that its time is up and soon forbiddance signal will switch on (indicator board with numbers may be applied to inform drivers about time remained for green light switching off);

3) yellow light switching on – this signal warns about forbiddance of motion and soon changing of signals;

4) yellow light switching on and off – this signal allows motion, notifies about unregulated crossroad or pedestrian passage being and warns about danger;

5) red light switching on and switching on and off – this signal forbids motion;

6) red and yellow lights simultaneous switching on – this signal forbids motion and notifies soon green light switching on.

IV. The meaning of axle-formed red, yellow and green lights of the traffic lights are the same with the meanings of due coloured light of circle-form. However, they are valuable only for the direction (directions) indicated by axles. At the same time an axle permitting to turn to the left, also permits to turn to back while due road sign does not forbid to turn to the back. The meaning of a green axle in additional division is the following. Switching off of additional division light means forbiddance of motion in the direction regulated by this division.

V. If a black outlined axle (axles) is drawn over main green light of traffic lights, this notifies drivers about traffic lights having additional division and allows to move in other directions different from direction indicated in additional division light.

VI. If light of traffic lights is with pedestrian (bicycle) silhouette, it is valuable only for pedestrians (bicycles). While this, a green light allows pedestrians’ (bicycles) motion as well a red light forbids it. For the regulation of bicycles motion, small traffic lights having circle-form lights may also be used; to those traffic lights a white rectangle board, with dimensions 200x200 mm and black bicycle picture on it, is applied.                                   

VII. A sound signal is added to light signals of traffic lights to notify blind pedestrians about possibility to pass active part of the road.

VIII. Mutual traffic lights with a red X-formed signal and a down directed axle-formed green signal are applied for regulation of traffic vehicles motion on roads with strips of active part and specially strips which can change direction of moving into opposite one. These signals forbids motion at due speed or allows it on strips being down them. A yellow signal with a picture of axle diagonally directed to down-right or left may be added to the main signals of mutual traffic lights; its lighting notifies change of signal and necessity of passing to the strip shown by axle. If signals of mutual traffic lights, placed over strip having 1.9 signing line on both sides, are not lighting, it is prohibitive to go in this strip.

IX. For the regulation of motion of tramways and other common use transport vehicles on strip separated for them, one-coloured signal traffic lights with four white-yellowish circle-form signals placed in T-form may be used. Simultaneous lighting of one of down signal of traffic light with one or two up signals allows motion. Simultaneous lighting of down signal with: up left signal – allows to go to the left, with central signal – to go straight, with left signal – to go to the right. It is prohibitive to go, if only three up signals are lighting.

X. A white-yellowish circle-formed signal placing in railway passage allows passing of transport vehicle through passage. A twinkling white-yellowish and switched off red signal allows to go if there is no a train (locomotive, railcar) coming up to the passage and seen within seen area.                          

 XI. It is prohibitive to install traffic lights on roads of due territory without decision of traffic safety Commission of corresponding execution authority bodies of the Azerbaijan Republic.

XII. Installation of traffic lights and control over their work in needed state is carried out by due execution authority bodies of the Azerbaijan Republic.

XIII. Persons installing traffic lights without due decisions bear responsibility for their installation.

Article 60. Implementing of traffic lights signals and regulator’s signals

I. It is obligatory for traffic participants to implement traffic lights signals and regulator’s signals. 
II. While a forbidding signal of traffic lights and regulator is being given, drivers have to stop their transport vehicles in front of stop-line (1.12 road line) (if there is no a stop-line, to stop in front of active part of crossing road without making an obstacle for pedestrians’ motion), in front of pedestrian passage, as for other crossroads – in front of traffic lights:

1) at crossroads – in front of active part of crossing road (taking into consideration the 4th part of the article 76 of this Law);

2) in front of railway passage in accordance with the 2nd part of the article 44 of this Law;

3) at other places – in front of traffic lights and regulator without making an obstacle for transport vehicles and pedestrians the motion of which is allowed.

III. A driver has to stop a transport vehicle at place indicated by regulator.

IV. While switching on of a yellow light of the traffic light or regulator’s raising his hand up, drivers not being able to stop transport vehicle at places mentioned in 2nd and 3rd part of this article, are allowed to continue their way without sharp breaking a transport vehicle. Pedestrians have to empty passage while a signal is being given or, if is impossible, to stop on line separating motion of transport vehicle in opposite direction.

V. Drivers and pedestrians have to obey regulator’s signals and instructions, even if they are contradictory to the signals of traffic lights, requirements of road signs and signing lines.

VI. For additional notifying traffic participants about forbiddance to pass railway passage, a sound signal may also be used together with a red twinkling light in railway passages.

Article 61.
Road signs

I. Road signs are one of main means keeping definite information on traffic rules and conditions as well means regulating traffic (Annex ?4).

II. Road signs consist of 7 sign groups: warning, superiority, forbiddance, obligatory directing motion, informing-indicating, service, additional data (boards).

III. Every road sigh has its own number, the first figure of which indicates the number of group it belongs to, remained figures reflect follower number     within group and its systematic number if there is a variety.

IV. Every group road signs have their own specific color and form besides superiority signs which are collected from different groups.

V. For clear distinguishing and reading of road signs in any time of day, they are equipped with internal and external lighting system or a light reflecting surface (a special thin curtain on the basis of small glass pellets which reflects light devices of transport vehicles). Signs being lighted from inside are installed                   on artificially lighted parts of the road. Signs with light reflecting surface are allowed to be installed on within lighted roads too, if they ensure their being seen at distance not less than 100m.

VI. If road signs have been placed temporarily (for example, for repair works on road or while road being slippery) and there is no need in their using, these signs have to be uninstalled urgently.

VII. It is not allowed to install more than three road signs on same section of the road (not taking into consideration repeat signs and additional boards).All road signs are installed on left side of the road excluding specially noted cases.       
If on roads having motion in one direction over two or more strips, road signs are hardly understood by driver from time to time, signs may be repeated taking into consideration data being on them. Repeat signs are installed     on separating strips; if there is no a separating strip as well another strip (except two ones) for moving in opposite direction is not intended, such road signs are installed on left side of the road. If it is impossible to guarantee seeing of road signs placed on left side of the road or, if there are three or more motion strips for moving in opposite direction, road signs are installed above active part of the road.

VIII. In order to ensure the guarantee of convenient condition organization for perception of road signs, they are placed on exactly defined place comparatively active part of the road. In accordance with the installation of road signs, the distance between their bottom and road cover has to be:

1) 1.5-2.2m  - at side of roads being aside from settlements;

2) 2-4m  -  identically in settlements;

3) no less than 0.6m – on small safety islets and active part of the road;

4) 5-6m -  above active part of the road.

IX. Distance between side of the active part as well ground cover side  of road shoulder and installed road sign has to be 0.5-2.2m; and side of 5.20.1, 5.21.1-5.27 signs – the distance should be 0.5 – 5m.

X. It is prohibitive to install traffic lights on roads of due territory without decision of traffic safety Commission of corresponding execution authority bodies of the Azerbaijan Republic.

XI. Installation of traffic lights and control over their work in needed state  is carried out by due execution authority bodies of the Azerbaijan Republic.

XII. Persons installing traffic lights without due decrees bear responsibility for their installation.

Article 62.
Warning signs

I. Warning signs inform traffic participants about coming up to dangerous sphere of road, where measures due to condition of traffic should be taken as well they inform about traffic characteristics. 

II. Main distinguishing feature of warning signs is their being white background triangular formed with red edging (excluding 1.3,1.4 and 1.31 groups). They do not mean any limit. However, the driver seeing these signs has to increase his attention and be ready to take safety measures in accordance with situation.

III. Warning signs are installed aside from settlements, at distance 150-300m from beginning of dangerous areas, at distance 50-100m in settlements. If necessary, these signs may be installed at other distances too. If there is a crossroad till dangerous area in this case, a repeat sign with 7.1.1 board is installed  after this crossroad. Besides this, such warning sign with 7.1.3 or 7.1.4 boards   may be installed at distance 50m from crossroad on crossing (or connecting) road.

IV. Warning signs are installed:

1) while carrying out of short time works on active part of the road -  1.23 sign –  at distance 15m to place of repair works;

2) while slope and ascent come after each other  - 1.13 and 1.14 signs without 7.1.1 board – at the beginning of slope or ascent;

3) while 1.1, 1.2, 1.9, 1.10, 1.21 and 1.23 signs are repeated aside from settlements, the second sign  - at distance at least 50m to beginning of dangerous area;

4)  1.3.1 and 1.3.2 signs – directly in front of railway passage.

Article 63.  Superiority signs

I. Superiority signs indicate turn of passing through narrow areas not permitting simultaneous passing of two transport vehicles moving in opposite directions, at crossroads, at crossings of active part of the road.

II. Superiority signs have no common form and color background because of their being collected from different groups.

Article 64. Forbiddance signs              

I. Forbiddance signs definitely limited motion of traffic participants or abolish it.

II. They are circle-formed with white background; as for 3.27-3.30 signs, they have also blue and red edging. 3.1, 3.21, 3.23, 3.25 and 3.31 signs differ with their colour design.

III. Forbiddance signs are installed at streets with definite limit and directly in front of road areas or at places where limit is abolished. Previously forbiddance signs may be installed with 7.1.1 board.

IV. 3.2-3.9, 3.34 and 3.35 forbiddance signs forbid due transport vehicles motion in both direction.

V. Forbiddance signs are valuable for the followings:

1) taken out;

2) 3.2-3.8 signs - for transport vehicles servicing or belonging to enterprises locating in signed area as well to persons living or working there. In this case, transport vehicles have to go in and out of signed area from crossroad being nearest to fixing place.  

3) taken out;

4) 3.2, 3.28-3.30 signs – for transport vehicles having a recognizing number and driven by I and II group invalids;

5) 3.18.1 and 3.18.2 - refer to place of crossing of active part of the road in front of which the sign is placed.

VI. 3.16, 3.20, 3.22, 3.24 and 3.26-3.30 signs are valuable from the place of sign till the nearest crossroad or till the end of settlement, if there is no crossroad in it. At places of going out to the road from adjoining territories, filed and forest roads as well at crossings (joining) on other second-class roads with due signs placed in front of them.     

VII. 3.24 sign placed before the settlement signed with 5.22 sign is valuable till  the place of this sign.

VIII. The area over which the signs are valuable may be limited in following ways:

1) for 3.16 and 3.26 signs – by applying 7.2.1 board;

2) for 3.20, 3.22, 3.24 signs – by placing of 3.21, 3.23 and 3.25 signs accordingly at the end of area where these signs (3.20, 3.22, 3.24) are valuable;

3) for 3.27-3.30 signs – by placing repeatedly of 3.27-3.30 signs with 7.2.3 board at the end of the area where these signs are valuable (3.27-3.30) or by applying of 7.2.2 board; 3.27 sign may be used with 1.4 signing line while 3.28 sign may be used with 1.10 signing line: in this case the area over which the signs are valuable are determined by length of signing line.

IX. 3.10, 3.27-3.30 signs are valuable only for the side of road where sign is installed.

Article 65. Obligatory moving direction signs

I. Obligatory moving direction signs indicate drivers direction where motion of transport vehicles is allowed, due transport vehicles motion as well roads intended for pedestrians’ motion.

II. These signs are circle-formed and have a blue background.

III. 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.3, 4.1.4, 4.1.5, 4.1.6 signs allow motion only to the directions shown by axles. Signs, which permit to turn to the left, also allow turning to back.

IV. 4.1.1- 4.1.6 signs are valuable at crossing of active part of the road  with a sign placed in front of it.

V. 4.1.1 sign installed at the beginning of road area is valuable till the nearest crossroad. This sign does not forbid turning to the right in order to go in other areas adjoining to the road and yards. 4.4 sign allows motion of cars, buses, motorcycles and lorries having less than maximum permitted 3.5 tones mass. This sign also allows motion of transport vehicles servicing or belonging to enterprises locating in signed area as well to persons living or working there. In this case, transport vehicles have to go in and out of signed area from crossroad being nearest to fixing place.  

Article 66.
Informing-indicating signs
I. Informing-indicating signs put into practice or eliminate of traffic definite regime as well inform about location of settlements and other objects.

II. These signs are rectangle-formed and intended for determination of road state characteristics, name of settlements, rules of passing through them, traffic regime in different sections of roads and streets. This group signs have different backgrounds. Green background – motor road, blue background - all other automobile roads, 5.22 and 5.23 signs with white background indicate use of due  requirements regulating traffic rules in settlements while 5.24 and 5.25 signs with blue background indicate due requirements regulating traffic rules in settlements not being used on this road. Yellow background of signs is used for passing near repaired parts.

III. 5.40, 5.42, 5.44, 5.46 signs are installed at the beginning of due zone while 5.41, 5.43, 5.45, 5.47 signs are installed at the end of same zones. 5.40, 5.42, 5.44, 5.46 signs are valuable on all road located in zone.

IV. While emergency stop places being equipped with urgent communication telephone or fire-extinguisher, at the bottom of 5.48.1 and 5.48.2 (emergency stop place) signs accordingly 6.17 and 6.18 signs are installed.

V. 5.49.1, 5.49.2 and 5.49.3 signs are installed in tunnels at distance 50m from each other on side walls on height 1-1,5m and indicate direction of emergency exits and distance.

VI. 5.50.1, 5.50.2 and 5.50.3 signs indicate distance till place of exit from motor road.

Article 67. Service signs

I. Service signs inform about location of due objects on roads.

II. Service signs are rectangle-formed and have a wide blue edging. Due symbols   are imaged on white background. Service signs are installed in settlements directly near objects or at place of turning to them. On roads aside from settlements signs are installed at distance 60-80 km, 15-20km and 400-800m from indicated object. On roads in settlement they are previously installed at distance 100-150m from indicated objects and at place of turning to them.

Article 68. Additional data signs

I. Additional data signs (boards) specify or limit meaning of signs together with which they are used.

II. The boards are placed directly beneath the sign it is applied to. While being hanged at side of active part of the road or above pavement, 7.2.2-7.2.4, 7.13 additional data signs are placed by side of road signs.

Article 69. Signing of road

I. Signing of road (Annex ?5) is one of efficient means of traffic regulation as well services for arranging of transport flow and increase of road output ability.

II. Signing of road also includes lines drawn to active part of the road, road and other road devices elements as well writings and other notes which determine traffic rules and notify road devices dimensions or road direction which are necessary for making traffic safer.

III. There are the following forms of signing of road:

1) horizontal;

a)    lengthways (1.1-1.11);
b)    transverse-ways (1.12-1.15)
c)    others (1.16.1-1.24)

2) vertical

IV. Signing of road services for traffic organization, warning of traffic participants and directing them. It is used separately or together with road signs the meaning of which they specify or complete.

V. Horizontal signing of road is drawn to the active part of the road by white color (excluding 1.4, 1.10 and 1.17 yellow lines) and determine definite traffic regime and motion manner.

VI. Horizontal signing lines are as follows:

1) 1.1 – separates traffic flow of opposite direction and shows borders of motion strips in dangerous places, borders forbidding to go in active part of the road, borders of transport vehicles stopping-places and sides of active parts of the roads not referring to motor roads;

2) 1.2 – indicates side of active part of the road (wide uncut lines);

3) 1.3 – separates traffic flow of opposite direction on roads having four or more motion strips;

4) 1.4 – notifies the places where stopping is forbidden or applied together with 3.27 sign and is drawn to the side of active part of the road or on surface of border;

5) 1.5 – separates traffic flow of opposite direction on roads having two or three motion strips and shows borders of strips while there are two or more strips for motion in one direction ;

6) 1.6 –  warns about coming near 1.1 or 1.11 signing lines which separate traffic flow of opposite and same direction (approach line – cut lines length of which are longer than distance between them for three times);

7) 1.7 – indicates motion strips within motor road boundary (short cut lines the length of which is the same as the distance between them);

8) 1.8 – indicates the boundary between speeding or braking strip and main strip of active part of the road (wide cut lines on different level motor roads, crossings, bus stopping zones and other places);

9) 1.9 – indicates borders of motion strips to which regulation by reversible motion is applied as well separates traffic flow of opposite direction on roads to which regulation by opposite motion is applied (while traffic lights of opposite motion being switched off);

10) 1.10 – notifies the places where stopping is forbidden. It is applied independently or together with 3.28 sigh and drawn to side of active part of the road or on surface of border;

11) 1.11 – separates traffic flows of opposite or same direction on areas of roads where change of place is allowed only by going out from one strip and indicates the places intended for getting in and out from stopping-places, turning back and others;

12) 1.12 (stop-line) – indicates the place where the driver has to stop, if there is a 2.5 sign or forbidding signal given by traffic lights or regulator;
13) 1.13 – indicates the place where the driver has to stay, if necessary, for he lets pass transport vehicles moving on crossing road;

14) 1.14.1 – indicates unregulated pedestrian passage, 1.14.2 – direction of pedestrians’ motion, 1.14.3 – pedestrian passage where motion is regulated by traffic lights;

15) 1.15 – indicates the place where bicycle road crosses with active part of the road;

16) 1.16.1-1.16.3 – indicates directing islets on places where traffic flow separate or connect;

17) 1.17 – indicates the places intended for stopping of common use transport vehicles and taxis;

18) 1.18 – indicates allowed directions of motion on strips of cross road. It is  applied independently or together with 5.8.1 and 5.8.2 signs; signing line with blind alley picture shows that it is forbidden to turn to the nearest active part of the road; a sign allowing to turn from left side strip to the left also allows to turn back from same strip;

19) 1.19 – indicates coming near narrowing area of active part of the road (on area where quantity of strips get decreased in same direction) or 1.1 and 1.11 signing lines separating traffic flows in opposite directions. In first case 1.19 signing line may be applied together with 1.18.1-1.18.3 signs;

20) 1.20 – indicates coming near 1.13 signing line;

21) 1.21 (“stop” writing) – indicates coming near 1.12 signing line if it is applied together with 2.5 sign;

22) 1.22 – indicates a number of a road (route);

23) 1.23 – indicates a special strip intended for common use transport vehicles.

VII. Horizontal signing line specifications:

1) it is forbidden to pass through 1.1-1.3 lines;

2) it is allowed to pass through 1.1 and 1.2 lines which indicate side of active part of the road for stopping transport vehicle on road shoulder and which place on driver’s right;

3) It is allowed to pass through 1.5-1.8 lines from desired side;

4) It is allowed to pass through 1.9 line, if it is on driver’s right and if there are no opposite motion traffic lights of, if they are switched off; While mutual traffic lights are switched on, It is allowed to pass through 1.9 signing line (from desired side) which separates strips on places where motion in one direction is permitted.  

5) It is allowed to pass through 1.11 line from side of cut line as well from side of entire (uncut) line only after implementing overtaking or passing near. If meanings of temporary road signs and signing line, temporary installed on support the place of which may be changed, don’t coincide with each other, drivers have to be guided by road signs.

VIII. Elements of road constructions (bridges, railway passages, support setting etc.), fences, columns as well other objects being on roads and causing an obstacle for traffic are being drawn over by white and black strip form vertical signing in order to help drivers to see their dimensions and determine direction by eyes.

IX. Vertical signing lines are the followings:

1) 2.1 – indicates elements causing danger for transport being on traffic on road constructions;

2) 2.2 - indicates down side of tunnels and bridge spans;

3) 2.3 - indicates circle-form islets installed on separating strips or safety islets;

4) 2.4 - indicates directing small posts, small stumps, fence supports etc.;

5) 2.5 - indicates side surface of road barriers on small radius turnings, sharp slopes and other dangerous areas;

6) 2.6 - indicates side surface of road barriers on other areas;

7) 2.7 – indicates safety islets stretching out of road border height on dangerous areas.

Article 70. Installation of signals on railway passages

I. Light signals on railway passage consist of two twinkling red lights installed on same level, lighting by turns and forbidding to pass through passage.

II. Light signals are accompanied by a sound signal ringing rhythmically and forbidding to pass through a passage.

III. A twinkling white light placing between two red lights or on them allows motion.

IV. It is prohibitive to go in passage, if there a barrier staring to close or there is an installed barrier in passage.

V. A barrier has to be colored by red and white colors in sequence and a red disk may be intended in the middle. In dark time of day on unlighted roads the barrier has to be lighted or there have to be intended red lights.

VI. Coming near railway passage has to be signed by 1.1 and 1.2 warning signs or a barrier and directly near railway passage there have to be installed 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 warning signs on all sides.

VII. In front of railway passage, aside from living districts 1.4.1-1.4.6 boards are installed all over the road. These boards may be installed all over the road on its left side too. In this case they may be accompanied by 1.1 or 1.2 warning signs.

VIII. In passages with low intensive motion 2.5 superiority sigh may be installed. In these passages transport vehicles motion is guided by a station assistant.

Article 71. Signs used while road repair works

I. In order to ensure safety and continuous traffic while road repairing and on damaged places of road, the following signs are used ((Annex ?6):

1) A board defining area for works, which will be carried out, and mobile cones;

2) speedy motion boards with regulating indicators;

3) red or orange twinkling lights defining work area;

4) an obstacle indicating direction of motion;

5) obstacles indicating passing near road signs being installed;

6) flags for determination of road-works area.

II. In accordance with implementing of road-works, their character and durability, installation of special road signs or light signals may be started only after coordination it with due execution authority bodies of the Azerbaijan Republic.

III. The area, where the works will be implemented, has to be signed with clearly seen stands, barriers, separating posts or other special means. 

IV. If above mentioned means are not light reflecting ones, there have to be installed red and orange twinkling or standing lights in darkness.

V. For regulation of traffic on damaged parts of road there are special road signs and light signals installed and, if necessary, the road is signed due to arose situation. If necessary, traffic has to be regulated by road workers.

VI. Special road signs or light signals installed for period of road-works implementing are kept; when the works have been done, initial means are reconstructed and if necessary due changes are made under new traffic condition.    

VII. A worker working on active part of the road has to wear orange armless clothes and these clothes should be light reflecting ones in darkness or there should be light reflecting means on him.

VIII. The forbiddance or limit of traffic in the result of road-works as well signing of place or zone, where road-works should be implemented, is determined by state standard.

Article 72. Recognizing signs of transport vehicles

The following recognizing signs are used on transport vehicles (Annex ?7):

1) “Articulated lorry” – on lorries with trailers and wheeled tractors (raising 1.4 tones and more weight) as well on connected buses and trolleybuses – in the form of three orange torches horizontally placed on roof of cab at distance 150-500mm from each other;

2) “Thorny tires” – in rear of mechanical transport vehicles with thorny tires – in the form of a white triangular with equal sides, upwards directed top, red edging  and a black tire inside (with sides of triangular being at least 200mm, width of edging being less than triangular side for ten times);

3) “Transportation of children”- in front and rear of buses while their transporting children by groups – in the form of a yellow square with red edging and black symbol of 1.21 road sign inside (with sides of square being at least 250mm, width of edging being less than square side for ten times);

4) “Deaf flock” – in front and rear of mechanical transport vehicles driven by deaf-and-dumb or deaf drivers – in the form of a yellow circle with diameter 600mm, an equal sided imaginary triangular inside, the top of which directs downwards and in corners of which three small black circles with 40mm diameter are drawn;

5) “Invalid” – in front and rear of transport vehicles specially equipped for I and II group invalids, driven by them and having in their registration certificate due notes about this – in the form of a yellow square with 150mm sides and a black image of 7.17 road sign symbol inside;

6) “Doctor” – in front and rear of transport vehicles driven by doctor-drivers –  in the form of a blue square with 140mm sides and a golden cross (with height of stroke being 90mm and width - 25mm) within white circle (with 125mm diameter) inside;

7) “Training transport vehicle” – in front and rear of transport vehicles intended   for driving training - in the form of a white triangular with equal sides, upwards directed top, red edging  and a black writing “training” inside (with sides of triangular being at least 200mm, width of edging being less than triangular side for ten times). It is allowed to put two-sided sign on roof of transport vehicle while training by cars;

8) “Load dropping out of transport vehicle dimensions” – in the form of a small board of 400mm x 400mm dimensions and diagonally 50mm width which has light reflecting surface and there red and white strips are drawn in sequence on it;

9) “Dangerous load” – in front and rear of transport vehicles transporting such loads – in the form a white rectangle of 690mm x 300mm dimensions with 400x300mm dimensions right part being taken in orange edging and left part being taken in black edging with 15mm width (on sign dangerous features of load are indicated by drawn marks);

10) “Long transport vehicle” – in rear of articulated lorry with load or without load and lorries with two or more trailers, the length of which is more than 24 meters – in the form of a yellow rectangle of 1200 x 200mm dimensions with red edging the width of which is 40mm and light reflecting surface (if it is impossible to place a sing in mentioned dimensions, it is allowed to place two same signs of at least 600 x 200mm dimensions symmetrically on transport vehicle axle).

11) “Emergency stop sign” is installed in cases of transport vehicle obligatory stopping on active part of the road;

12) “AZ” distinguishing signs are installed in order to notify about belonging to the Azerbaijan Republic of transport vehicles participating on international traffic;

13) “ An inexperienced driver” is installed for warning other traffic participants about driver’s not having perfect driving skills.

Article 73. Using of sound signals and external light devices by a driver of transport vehicle

I. In order to prevent danger or eliminate obstacles being on traffic, transport vehicle drivers use headlights, light indicators for turning to this or other side, sound signals or hand gestures.

II. Giving of sound and light signals by above mentioned means  does not discharge transport vehicle drivers from taking all other necessary measures for reducing speed and preventing traffic accidents.

III. In dark time of day or under condition of limited seeing as well in tunnels drivers of transport vehicles and trailers have to switch on light devices and light signals in a following manner:

1) on transport vehicles in accordance with provision – near or far light of headlight and back overall lights, on bicycle – headlights or torches, on horse-carts – torches.

2) on trailers and transport vehicles taken in tow – overall lights.

VI. Far light has to be changed into near one:

1) if road in settlement is sufficiently lighted as well active part of the road, aside from settlement, is lighted all over the road and this lighting allows drivers to see sufficient distance;

2) at 150m distance from coming up transport vehicle in order not to dazzle its driver’s eyes;

3) in any other cases not to dazzle eyes of other traffic participants. In case of driver’s eyes being dazzled, he has to switch on emergency stop light signal and stop transport vehicle slowly reducing speed and not changing motion strip;

4) while moving at small distance from front going transport vehicle, before to start overtaking it is permitted to give a warning light signal by switching on a far light for short period of time.

V. In light time of day in order to indicate going transport vehicle, a near light of headlight on following transport vehicles should be switched on:

1) on motorcycles and mopeds;

2) on buses and microbuses transporting groups of children;

3) on transport vehicles belonging to organized group of transport vehicles;

4) on transport vehicles taking in tow other transport vehicles;

5) on lorries transporting dangerous, heavy weight and overall dimensions loads;

6) on common use transport vehicles going on specially separated strip in opposite direction to transport vehicles flow. 

V-I. Mist headlights may be used in following cases:

1) under condition of limited seeing – independently as well together with near or far light of headlight;

2) in dark time of day on unlighted areas of road – together with near and far light of headlight;

3) instead of near light of headlight on due transport vehicles in cases intended in V part of the article 73 of present Law;

Note: Mist headlights may be also used in following cases: 1) under condition of limited seeing – independently as well together with near or far light of headlight;

2) in dark time of day on unlighted areas of road – together with near and far light of headlight.

VI. While stopping or staying on unlighted places of road in dark time of day or under condition of limited seeing, transport vehicle or articulated lorry has to switch on overall or stopping lights. In case of their being out of order, transport vehicle should be taken away from road, and it is impossible to do that, transport vehicle should be signed with an emergency stop sign in accordance with the requirement of present Law.

VII. Under condition of frog, if it snows or rains hard or in other cases equivalent to above mentioned ones, near lights of headlight or mist headlights and torches against mist may be switched on.

Note: Excluding above mentioned cases, transport vehicle may stay at stopping-places with switched off light and sound signals in following cases: 1) if transport vehicle is well seen at sufficient distance on lighted road; 2) while stopping at a distance from side of active part of the road; 3) while stopping of motorcycles not equipped with accumulator at side of active part of the road in settlements; 4) in settlements in street with low traffic tension.

VIII. Projector-headlight and searching headlight may be used only aside from settlements if there is no a transport vehicle coming up from the front. Such headlights may be used in settlements only by drivers of operative and special service transport vehicles while carrying out service instructions.  
IX. Back mist headlights may be used only under condition of limited seeing. It is prohibitive to connect back mist headlights to stop-signals.

X. An “Articulated lorry” recognizing sign should be switched on articulated lorry while its going as well while its stopping or staying in dark time of day or under condition of limited seeing.
XI. Sound signals may be used only in following cases:

1) aside from settlements, in cases of necessity to warn other drivers about intentions to overtake;

2) to prevent a traffic accident;

XII. In order to warn about overtaking a light signal may be used instead of (or together with) a sound signal. This light signal consists of short time switching on and off of headlights in light time of day and several times changing of near light into far one – in dark time of day.

Article 74. Application of special signals

I. A driver of transport vehicle having a superior right to pass may violate the requirements of present Law in order to prevent dangerous situation for other traffic participants. Operative transport vehicles having a superior right to pass should have a special sound signal and twinkling light signal.

II. Drivers of such transport vehicles have to switch on a twinkling light signal and special sound signal in order to get a superior right to pass among other traffic participants.

III. While coming up of transport vehicle having a superior right to pass and giving a sign by a twinkling red or blue light and special sound signal, other traffic participants have to switch on light indicators of turning to the right, empty a trip for these transport vehicle having a superior right to pass or drive a transport vehicle near side of the road as close as possible and stop it, if necessary. 

IV. It is prohibitive to use color drawing schemes and color unification determined by state standards as well lights with changing power and loud voiced signals with changing voice by other transport vehicles.

V. Drivers of special transport vehicles equipped with orange or yellow twinkling light signals may violate the requirements of road signs and signing lines when carrying out constructive, repair or cleaning works on road in order to ensure traffic safety. Other drivers have not cause an obstacle for their working. Orange or yellow glimmering torch does not give a superior right to pass while motion and services for warning other traffic participants about danger.

VI. Transport vehicles equipped with special sound and light signals have to be registered at due execution authority bodies of the Azerbaijan Republic.
Such sound and light signals are permitted to be installed only in cases  intended in this Law. 

VII. Drivers of transport vehicles equipped with a special loud-voiced sound signals and twinkling light signals or antiradar and other technical devices causing an obstacle for speed measuring or work of measuring means as well coloring schemes intended for operative transport vehicles without permission of due execution authority bodies of the Azerbaijan Republic, bear responsibility in a manner defined by the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic.   

Article 75. Passing through crossroads

I. A driver turning to the right or to the left has to let pass pedestrians passing through crossroad or turning as well drivers of bicycles passing through road intended for bicycles.

II. A driver is not permitted to go in a crossroad or places of crossing, if there is a traffic jam at crossroads or at crossing of active parts of the road and if it will oblige the driver to stop and become an obstacle for other transport vehicles.

III. A crossroad defined by a traffic lights over passing turn or regulator’s signals is considered to be regulated.

IV. If there is a switching on and off yellow signal at crossroad, traffic lights are out of order and there is no a regulator there, a crossroad is considered to be unregulated and drivers have to be guided by rules on passing through unregulated crossroads and superiority signs installed at crossroad.

Article 76. Regulated crossroads

I. While turning to the left or to the right on green light of traffic lights, a driver of not railed transport vehicle has to let pass transport vehicles being in front of him and going straight or right. Drivers of tramways  also have to keep this rule among themselves.

II. A driver going in direction, indicated by axle sign switched on in additional section of traffic lights simultaneously with its yellow or red light, has to let pass transport vehicles coming from other directions.

III. If signals of traffic lights or regulator’s signals allow simultaneously a tramway and not railed transport vehicles to go, a tramway has a superior right to pass not depending from the direction of motion. However a tramway going in the direction, indicated by an axle sign switched on in additional section of traffic lights simultaneously with its red or yellow signal, has to let pass transport vehicles coming from other directions.
IV. While permitting signal of traffic lights being switched on, a transport vehicle going in a crossroad has to continue going in intended direction without stopping and not depending from signals of the traffic light installed at crossroad exit. During this other transport vehicles have not make an obstacle for him. However, if there are stop-lines (5.33 sigh) in front of traffic lights installed on road at crossroad where the driver goes, he has to be guided by signals of every traffic lights.

V. While permitting signal of traffic lights being switched on, a driver has to let pass transport vehicle finishing moving at crossroad as well pedestrians not passed till the end through a passage on active part of the road in same direction.

Article 77. Unregulated crossroads

I. At crossroad where two roads of different significance cross, a driver of the transport vehicle going on second-class road has to let pass transport vehicles going on first-class road and coming up to the crossroad not depending from their further going direction.

II. If a head road changes its direction at crossroad, drivers of transport vehicles going by this road have to be guided by rules on passing a crossroad of same class roads among themselves.

III. At crossroad where two roads of equal significance cross, a driver of not railed transport vehicle has to let pass a transport vehicle coming up from the right. Tramway drivers have also be guided by these rules. At this type of crossroad tramway has a superior right to pass not depending from direction of its moving.

IV. While turning to the left or back a driver of not railed transport vehicle  has to let pass transport vehicles from opposite going straight or to the righton road of equal significance. Drivers of tramways have also be guided by these rules among themselves.

V. If a driver can not define a road cover (in dark time of day, in the result of mud, snow etc.) and there are no superiority signs, he guesses as he is on second-class road. 

Article 78. Driving training

I. Initial training on driving of a transport vehicle should be spent on closed small grounds or autodromes.

II. Training of driving may be spent on road only with the participation of a trainer and if a person training to drive has initial driving skills. A person training to drive a transport vehicle has to know traffic rules intended in this Law and implement its requirements.

III. A trainer has to own a document confirming his right to train on same category transport vehicle and a certificate on his having at least 5 year experience to drive and a right to drive same category transport vehicles.

IV. Mechanical transport vehicle on which training of driving is implemented should be signed with a “Training transport vehicle” sign and equipped with a rear indicating mirror and a pedal for a trainer.

V. It is prohibitive to spent training of driving on roads the list of which has been announced in a defined manner. 
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