Informations 10 06 2024Y

Appeal to road users from the Main State Traffic Police Department on hot weather conditions

Taking examinations from people who want to get driving license giving the right to manage the auto motor transportation means and their harnesses, rules of issuing driving licenses and their replacements

INSTRUCTION on the rules of issuing driving licenses and their replacement, taking examinations from people who want to get driving license giving the right to manage auto motor transportation means and their harnesses
1.    General provisions
This instruction has been prepared according to the Law of Azerbaijan Republic “On traffic rules “, Decree No 24 dated November 22, 1998 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the application of the Law of Azerbaijan Republic “On traffic rules”,  Regulation approved by Decree No 41 dated on 15.03.1999 of Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan and defines uniform rules on taking examinations from the people who want to get driving licenses giving the right to manage auto motor transportation means and their harnesses (hereinafter will be referred as – transportation means), issuance of driving licenses and their replacements.  Also relevant provisions, on giving consent to the opening of schools and courses, implementing preparation of drivers and improvement of their professional skill, controlling activities, taking practical and theoretical examinations, registering driving licenses that have been issued, methodology, contents and procedures are considered in this instruction.  
This Instruction is not applied to the taking examinations for the issuance of driving licenses giving the right to manage the mechanical caterpillar vehicles (tractors) that are in the common use of the street-road network of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan intended not for the exploitation, used in agriculture and other mechanical transportation means, as well as, technological transportation means ) that are in the common use of the street-road network of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan intended not for the exploitation, and to the issuance and replacement of the driving licenses of these types.
1.2. Every physical person who have reached to a certain age, suitable for driving from the health point of view, knowing the traffic rules, having driving habit or driving license, have the right to manage transportation means in the territory of Azerbaijan Republic.
1.3. Depending on the type, appointment and management features of the transportation means, the following categories are shown in driving license:
     – “A” – for managing motorcycle, motor scooter, motor roller and other motor  transportation means;
–    for managing the transportation means not referring to “B” – “A” categories, not exceeding the maximum allowable weight of 3500 kilograms, the number of seat places being no more than 8, except the driver’s seat;
–    for managing the transportation means not referring to “C” – “D” categories,  not exceeding the maximum allowable weight of 3500 kilograms;
–    “D” – for managing the transportation means, intended for the passenger transportation and the number of seat places being no more than 8, except the driver’s seat;
–    “E” –  for managing the transportation means that its harness included to the “B”, “C” or “D” categories, on condition that, the driver has the driving license that gives the right to manage the transportation means referring to these categories in a whole or one of these;
–    “Tramway”- for managing tramways;
–    “Trolleybus” – for managing trolleybuses.
1.4. It is allowed to the drivers of the transportation means of “B”, “C” and “D” categories, as well as, to the management of transportation means with the full weight with its harnesses being no more than 750 kg.   
There should be registration permitting to the transportation means with the harnesses with full weight more than 750 kg, referring to "B", "C" and "D" categories as well as, in  driving licenses for driving autobuses with  harnesses should be registration of “E” category in addition to these categories.  
1.5. in the roads including to the territory of Azerbaijan Republic:
–    Driving right for means of motor transportation (category “A”) – from 16;
–    Driving right for the transportation means belonging to the  “B” and “C” categories –from 18;
–    Driving right for tramways – from 20;
–    Driving right for driving the transportation means belonging to the “D” and “E” categories – from 21.
Note: 1. Pupils who have graduated vocational educational institutions, as well as, recruits involved in military service in order to prepare the drivers for transportation means with "C”, “BC” categories are allowed to the examinations in registration-examination points after completion of courses and receiving relevant certificates.  Driving licenses are given to the persons, who have passed examinations successfully, not being at the age of 18 on the basis of call-up paper and in the “special marks” graph there is such a note that “it is allowed to drive automobiles after completing 18 age”. Military servicemen being in timed service with “D” and “E” categories are allowed to the examinations for getting driving license in exceptional cases if they have driving experience for 10 months and at the age of 19.
1.6. Central body which carries out the work of issuing driving license– the following measures are implemented by State Traffic Police Department (STPD) of MIA of Azerbaijan Republic:
- ordering and producing driving license blanks and other special products and equipments;
- giving approval to the opening of schools and courses implementing the preparation and improvement the professional skills of drivers, controlling their activities, taking theoretical and practical examinations, issuing the driving licenses to the drivers who have successfully passed examinations;
- regional and centralized registration of information existing in issued driving licenses;
- providing with driving license blanks, as well as, other special products and equipments for its structural parts;
- controlling of spending of driving licenses allowed to these structural parts and other special products and inspecting them from time to time.  
1.7. Only other authorities provided in investigation, inquiry, judicial and legislation shall have the right to get information from regional and centralized the registration base about issued driving licenses.
2. Allowance rules to the examinations and to the driving of transportation means in STP
2.1 Taking examinations and issuing driving licenses for driving the transportation means belonging to "A", "B", "C", "D" and "E" categories, tramway and trolleybuses are implemented by registration-examination points of STP ( herein after will be referred as “REP”).
2.2 physical persons who want to get driving licenses in order to drive one of the transportation means, “tramway” and “trolleybus” belonging to "A", "B", "C", "D" and "E" categories should pass training courses in educational institutions provided with material-technical base and technical-methodical educational means on the basis of a single education plans and programs agreed with AR MIA STPD and confirmed by the Ministry of Education.
2.3. Persons who have been deprived of driving right related to the diseases that their list has been defined by the Ministry of Health, who are in the registration of  psychiatric and narcological dispensaries, who have less than three years experience for driving transportation means ( with the exception of tramway and trolleybuses), and for committing the traffic accident resulting in the death and injury of persons during the last 2 years, as well as, for drunk driving of transportation means, are not allowed to drive autobuses, tramways and trolleybuses and to the examinations for these categories.
2.4. When teaching of the driving of transportation means is considered for the pupils and students in universities, secondary schools, vocational schools, lyceums, education in these institutions is carried out on the basis of special program agreed with STPD.
2.5. Persons who are considered useful for the exploitation of hand-controlled cars by the Ministry of Health get qualification training on the plan program agreed with STPD and Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population, prepared by the Ministry of Education in educational institutions. In “special marks” section of driving licenses that have been issued to the persons who have successfully passed exams, there is such a note that “it is allowed to drive manually”.
2.6. Candidates, as defined, must pass medical examinations in order to be accepted to these teaching courses.
2.7. The document conforming vocational training of drivers and improvement of their professional skill is the certificate relevant to the Appendix 2 in this Instruction.
2.8. Examinations for getting driving licenses are accepted only from the people who have permanent or temporary registration in the served territory on the residence area by RED. In other cases, the issue of taking examinations from persons may be solved as an exceptional case by STPD.
Note: 1. physical persons who want to get driving license on the territory inhabited temporarily, and  military servicemen  on the territory in which military unit is located are allowed to the examinations in RED when natural disasters and other extreme cases occur.
2.9. driving licenses for the driving of the transportation means belonging to the "A", "B", "C", "D" and "E" categories are issued to the persons who have successfully passed the theoretical and practical examinations in RED, theoretical examinations for driving tramways and trolleybuses ( practical examinations are taken in parks for tramway and trolleybuses).
2.10. Issuing of driving licenses for driving the transportation means referring to the "A", "B", "C" categories in teaching plan and programs preparation of staff on automobile qualification  to the persons who have graduated from specified higher and secondary educational institutions after passing successfully the theoretical and practical examinations on any category.
In this case, as a conforming document on the teaching of subjects in automobile qualification:
-    Diploma and an extract from the examination table on automobile qualification for those with secondary special education;
-    Diploma and supplement to it for those with higher education.  
2.11. Citizens of Azerbaijani Republic who could not pass preparation on driving qualification in educational institutions due to their work, experience, education, and social status on traffic rules may study independently for theoretical and practical means on driving skills.
2.11.1 Persons who have prepared independently may only be allowed to the examinations in order to get driving license for driving the transportation means referring to the “A” and “B” categories.
2.11.2 Persons prepared independently shall submit an application to STPD for their admission to the examination.
2.11.3. Persons prepared independently shall submit the following documents for the admission to the examinations:
- application on to be taken in registration;
- medical reference on the suitability for the driving of relevant transportation means;
- document on education;
- receipts on the payment of relevant pays ( fee, charges etc.) for issuing driving license and examination;
- identity card of the citizen of Azerbaijan Republic;
Time for taking examination is defined after the registration of the application.     
2.11.4. Each person who wants to get driving licenses, prepared independently should pass an examination on theoretical and practical driving skills according to the traffic rules. The persons who have not passed theoretical examinations are not allowed to the practical examinations. Acceptances of theoretical and practical examinations are carried out according to the annex No 7 and 8 of this Instruction.
2.11.5. Theoretical and practical examinations are taken only once from the persons who have independently prepared for the examinations.  
2.11.6. Persons who have got non-acceptable from one of the examinations are allowed to the examinations only after passing trainings as defined in educational institutions.
2.12. Driving licenses are issued to the persons who have passed theoretical examinations on traffic rules and practical examinations on the skills of driving transportation means by registration examination departments within 7 days.
2.13. Drivers who have experience not less than 3 years in driving vehicles belonging to "B" or  "C" or  "BC", and "BCD" or "BD", either  "CD" or "D" after completing training courses based on the relevant program in educational institutions and passing theoretical and practical examinations in RED are allowed to drive the transportation means with “E” category.
2.13.1 Drivers who have the right to drive the transportation means belonging to the  "B" or "C", either "BC" or  "BCE" and  "BE", or  "CE" categories ( under the conditions provided in 2.3 article) are allowed to the driving of transportation means with “D” categories after again passing theoretical and practical training courses based on the relevant program.  
2.13.2. Drivers who have the right to drive the transportation means belonging to "B" category shall have the right to drive transportation means with “C” category after successfully passing theoretical and practical examinations and taking preparations on the relevant program in educational institutions.
2.13.3. Drivers who have the right to drive the transportation means belonging to "C» or “D” categories are allowed to the theoretical and practical examinations for driving the transportation means with "A", "B" or "AB" categories without being additionally taught in training courses.
2.13.4. Drivers who have the right to drive the transportation means belonging to "BD” category are allowed to the examinations for getting driving licenses on “A”, “C” or “AC” categories without being additionally taught in training courses. Drivers who have just “B” category in their driving license may only be allowed to the examinations for getting the driving licenses on “A” category.
2.13.5. Issuance of new driving license for the purpose of the replacement of categories shown in driving license are implemented after theoretical examinations on the traffic rules and practical examinations on the skills of driving transportations means.
2.14. The list about person’s suitability to the driving from health point of view, as well as, the list of diseases or physical defects preventing the driving of transportation means are defined by the Ministry of Health.
2.14.1. inspector of RED who takes examinations may again send the person whose health status can be understood clearly to the  medical examination .
2.14.2. if the driver has avoided form the medical examination or has been defined as unsuitable to the driving of transportation means by medical commission, in this case, his/her driving license should be taken by the officers of STP as defined.
2.15. Driving license are issued to the persons whose rights have been restricted temporarily for driving transportation means, after the end of this period, passing from medical examination, and after they have successfully passed from the theoretical and practical examinations on the driving of transportation means.
3. Driving license.  
3.1. Driving license is the document that confirms its owner’s right to drive transportation means.
3.2. Depending on the type of mechanical transportation means, driving licenses have the types such as giving the right to drive motorcycles, cars, tramways, and trolleybus in Azerbaijan Republic.
3.3. Not depending on its type, in each driving license within the ellipse icon distinction mark of Azerbaijan Republic in international road flow –“AZ” and the following information numbered with figures:
•    Surname of its owner;
•    Name and patronymic of its owner;
•    Date of birth and place of its owner;
•    Place of residence of its owner;
•    Issued by (body’s name);
•    Date and place of issue;
•    Date of validity;
•    Number of license
•    Signature of authorized person, seal of the body;
•    Blood group and signature;
•    Special marks;
The model of driving license is shown in annex No 1 to this Instruction.
3.4. Validity date of driving license is defined as following by RED that has issued it:
•    For the persons under the age of 60 - 10 years;
•    For the persons aged 60 and more - the remaining period until they are at the age of 70;
•    For the persons aged 70 and more – 2 years;
•    For the persons whose illnesses have been defined by the Ministry of Health – the period no more than 2 years as shown in the submitted reference.
Note: 1. The driving license that its date of validity has expired are replaced accordingly. if there is no any change in the indicators of the owner of driving license (name, surname, address, photo, signature etc.), depending his/her wish, the validity period of driving license can be prolonged within the provisions intended in  Instruction 3.4. in this case, relevant notes are made in “special marks” graph of the driving license.
3.5. Name of driving license is written in the state language of Azerbaijani Republic and in French language ("Permis de conduire"), and the names of data shown in driving license is written in the Azerbaijani and English language. And other information is written in Azerbaijani. The name of driving license and its details can be repeated in the Russian language.
3.6. The owner of driving license is obliged to protect the driving license that have been issued to him/her and he/she is fined in accordance with the legislation when it is lost.
4. Registration of educational institutions on preparation of drivers of transportation means (improvement of their professional skills) and control of their activity.
4.1. All educational institutions busy with preparation of drivers of auto motor transportation means and improvement of their professional skills should be registered in STPD.
4.2. Legal bases of the type of activates of these educational institutions for the registration of newly established educational institutions in the purpose of the preparation of driver staff and improvement of their professional skills and relevant inspections are organized on the compliance of the provisions of Regulation on  “courses on the preparation of drivers and improvement of their skills” approved by the Decision No. 41, date on March 15, 1999 of Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan Republic. Inspection commission, as a rule, is established in the following composition:
- associate (chairman) of SSTPD;
-  representatives of educational institutions and their head offices, as well as other ministries and head agencies( members of commission).
4.3. Investigation of the reasons that have a negative impact on the preparation of the drivers of transport means and verification of educational institutions in order to eliminate them, as a rule, it is carried out once a year based on the next inspections. Every year plan is defined in order to carry out the next inspections. The period of inspection and other terms are indicated in the plan. If necessary, extraordinary inspections may be carried out.
4.3.1 The status of material-technical base of educational institutions, preparation of drivers in a specified time and programs of improvement of their skills and the status of compliance of the requirements of Regulation approved by the Decision No 41 of Cabinet of Ministers, as well as, levels of knowledge of engineer-teaching staff, production masters and instructors are defined during the inspection. At the same time, providing the lessons relevant to the Regulation with methodological means and initial training autodroms and closed squares, technical equipped status on the driving skill for teaching driving trainings in roads are controlled.
4.3.2. The instructor who teaches driving skills in roads should have the document confirming his/her 5 years experience on driving relevant to the transportation means, as well as, driving license.
4.3.3. The result of inspection is documented with the act composed independently. Acts and requisitions on the elimination of the investigated shortages, requests and provisions are the important legal document for making relevant decisions.
4.4. For the preparation of drivers of transportation means and improvement of their skills, the number of students should be 10-30.
4.4.1 Each teaching group should be registered on the territory in RED after 15 days of the begging of trainings in educational organizations. The training group’s list should be sent to the Republic’s Registration-Examination- Department of STPD in appropriate form to the annex No 3 of this Instruction including to the RED within 7 days after the registration date.
4.5. Material technical base that does not meet the requirements of the stated Regulation, as well as, the groups of teaching organization that don’t conclude form the presentations of STPD should be registered. The written information about it is sent to the educational organization and its head office.  Training groups of organization may be reregistered after the implementation of the requirements of the rules provided in Paragraphs 4.1 -4.3. of this Instruction and the elimination of shortages shown in the acts.
5. Rules of acceptance of examinations and issuance of driving licenses
5.1. Every person who wants to get the driving license should pass theoretical examination on the traffic rules and practical examination on the skills of the driving of transportation means.
5.11.1. Examinations are firstly carried out on theoretical and then on practical sequence. Persons who have not passed the theoretical examinations are not allowed to the practical examinations. Acceptances of theoretical and practical examinations are carried out in accordance with the annexes No 7 and 8 to this Instruction.
5.2. Theoretical and practical examinations organized in RED are accepted by the examination commission. Examinations in RED are accepted in the dates defined by examination commission on educational institutions.
5.3. Examination commission accepting theoretical and practical examinations should consist of two and more persons.
The staff of the commission is appointed by the chairman of RED and has the following composition:
-    Chairman- worker of the registration – examination department ( division, group);
-    Members – members of the teaching, auto motor institutions, military commissariat and other corresponding organizations.
5.4. members of examination commission should know traffic rules and acceptance rules of examinations, as well as, those persons should have:
- higher, or secondary technical education on automobile qualification;
- driving license for driving the category of transportation means referring to the acceptance of examination.
5.5. Students of the educational institutions should submit the following documents to the RED:
- Except the persons mentioned in paragraphs 2.10 and 2.11 of this Instruction, certificate on the training in the intended volume in educational plans and programs on the preparation of drivers of the transportation means referring to the relevant categories;
- copy of diploma, extract from the term-examination table, or supplement to the diploma for the persons shown in 2.10 paragraph of this Instruction;
-  The document on their registration in STPD for the persons who have prepared independently for the examinations appropriate to the relevant category;
- medical reference on the suitability of driver for driving the transportation means with the relevant category;
- receipts on the payment of fees, compensation or duties specified in the legislation for the issuance of driving license and for taking examinations;  
- identity card of the citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan ( accordingly, license on the registration of foreign citizen in the territory of Azerbaijan Republic or identity card of the person without citizenship for the usage in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan).  
5.6. Driving licenses are issued to the persons who have successfully passed from the theoretical examinations on the traffic rules and practical examinations on the driving skills of transportation means by RED in appropriate form.
5.7. Persons who have studied in educational institutions for driving transportation means should not be allowed to the repeated theoretical and practical examinations earlier than 7 days.
5.8. according to the requirements of the paragraph 2.10. of this Instruction, repeated examinations are taken from the persons who have been allowed to the examinations after 20 days.
5.9. The results of examinations on traffic rules and driving trainings are signed by all the members of the examination commission and documented with protocol in accordance with the annex No 4 to this Instruction.
5.10. Right composition of driving licenses and thoroughness of issuance is examined by the chairman of the examination commission, confirmed by his signature and RED‘s seal. Issued driving licenses are registered in the appropriate form in the annex No 5 to this Instruction.
6. replacement of the driving licenses, issuing rules of new ones when they are lost.

6.1. The following cases are considered to be basic for the replacement of driving licenses:
- expiration of the date of validity;
- changing of the name, surname and patronymic of the owner;
- determination of inaccuracy in writing;
-becoming ineligible;
- its loss;
- replacement of driving licenses in the country as a result of application of new models.
6.2. Replacement of driving licenses is carried out within one day, holding the previous categories, on the basis of the application of the owner of license in accordance with the annex 6 to this Instruction, medical reference for the suitability of driving the relevant transportation means with appropriate categories and identity card without examination in RED. This case shall be applied the driving licenses with the past USSR model of the citizens of Azerbaijan Republic.
6.3. Fee is paid in the amount specified in the legislation for the replacement of the driving license. Driving license is replaced on the expense of STPD without paying any fee by the owner of the driving license in the cases specified in the fourth term of 6Paragraph 6.1. of this Instruction.
6.4. When driving license is lost, new one is issued on the basis of the relevant notes of STP/ city/ region/ of registration place and medical reference in the written application of the owner of license.  And in case of need, it may be required to submit the certificate on completing of educational institution or the confirming document of RED that has issued the lost driving license.
6.5. For the determined period the relevant driving license is issued in accordance with Paragraph 3.4. of this Instruction when the driving license is lost.
6.5.1. Temporary driving license may be issued for one year in cases of need (when the post is sent for getting an answer for the survey, referring to the lost of the driving license, many cases are being investigated).
6.6. When newer driving licenses are issued instead of the old or lost driving licenses, serial, number and date of issue of the previous driving license should be shown in this driving license.

6.7. If the previous driving licenses of persons who get new driving licenses are found, these documents shall be considered invalid and sent to the RED for their liquidation.  
6.8. Old model driving licenses (third class) of professional drivers who have I and II class driver qualification certificates issued by September 1, 1977 (qualification coupon) should be replaced by newer driving licenses of  "BCE", "BCD" or  "BCDE" by passing theoretical and practical examinations on the traffic rules.
6.9. Driving licenses issued by the competent authorities of foreign states appropriate to the international standards  and the validity period not being completed is valid no more than one year in the territory of Azerbaijan Republic.
Driving licenses is issued on common bases to the foreign nationals residing permanently or temporarily in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan and to the persons without citizenship.
The duly notarized translation of national or international driving licenses that belong to foreign persons temporarily residing in the territory of the Republic, as well as, people who previously lived in foreign countries and then moved to the Republic of Azerbaijan can be used as a basis for getting driving licenses.  
Driving licenses are issued in accordance with the categories that they have previously owned to such people after they have passed from medical examination, and after checking their theoretical knowledge level.  
 Note: 1. National or international valid driving licenses of diplomatic, embassies and consular representations of foreign countries, international organizations, employees of accredited press bodies and other persons equated to these are replaced without involvement of the relevant examinations and medical check-up of the license holders with the mediation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan.  
6.10. If there is any suspension related to the driving licenses of the persons mentioned in Paragraph 6.9. of this Instruction,  inquiries may be done by National Central Bureau of Interpol of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, embassies and consular services of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and appropriate statutory bodies. relevant inquiries on persons mentioned in the section of “Note” in paragraph 6.9 of this Instruction can be made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Driving license is issued to the holder of license by the time of getting response.  Decision is made in accordance with existing legislation after getting the relevant response, on the final issue of driving license.
6.11. Central Register of driving licenses issued by RED is carried out.
Accounting register of issued driving licenses is carried out.  If acceptance of examinations and issuing driving licenses are implemented in direct method by means of computer, in this case, they are formalized through the relevant protocol and an extract from the registry of the computer and the signature of the owner of license is taken as a basis on getting driving license.
7. Preparation, provision and maintenance rules of driving documents and other materials  
7.1 Main documents referring to the issuance and replacement of driving licenses, the list of persons studying at teaching groups and courses and the driving licenses of the persons whose rights have been removed for driving transportation means by the decision of medical commission, instead of issued new ones or was founded later entered RED, as well as, not required driving licenses as archived documents, whose deprivation period of the right of driving have been expired are maintained in 2 years, examination minutes in 10 years, and the register for the issuance of driving license in 60 years.
7.2. Archived documents shall be cancelled with compiling an act in the appropriate form in RED after expiration date has been passed.
7.3. Forms provided in annex no. 1 to this Instruction are prepared on the basis of the order of STPD.
7.4. Medical reference and certificate on completing educational institution are returned to the drivers together with driving license after filling all information graphs.  
7.5. It is forbidden to require documents except those ones provided in this Instruction from the persons who want to get driving licenses.
7.6. The owner of the driving license may appeal against procrastination or rejection from it during the issuance of driving license.
7.7. This Instruction comes into force from the date of registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Azerbaijan Republic.
State Traffic Police Department of  IA of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Additions_ to the instructions.pdf
1. Form of conducting examination  
1.1. Theoretical examination can be accepted from all teaching group, as well as, from certain part of it on one of the following forms:
 - on the basis of an oral request on tickets prepared by STP;
- by mens of computer examination devices.
1.2. The examination should be accepted in such a form that it will be possible to determine the driving candidate’s knowledge of traffic rules and the requirements of traffic safety.
2. Content of the examination
2.1 The knowledge of the driving candidate is defined due to the following directions during theoretical examination:  
2.1.1 Road traffic legislation, as well as, rules of using transportation means and administrative responsibility for the violation of traffic rules;
2.1.2. Rules and requirements on the traffic, road signs and marks, marking of the road, the meaning of the signs;
2.1.3. Technical requirements on the safety of the transportation means during movement;
2.1.4. Rules directly relating to the driver on the safety of the traffic road, including working and rest days;
2.1.5. Rules on the correct behavior of the driver when there is traffic road accident;
2.1.6. Driver’s civil (property) and criminal responsibility when traffic road accident has happened;
2.1.7. Factors enabling to the happening of traffic road accidents;
 2.1.8. Elements of the transportation means that are very important for providing the safety of  traffic road accidents;
2.1.9. Methods of rendering first aid to the people injured as the result of traffic road accidents;
2.1.10. management methods and control-regulator devices that do not allow to the excess of the harmful substances thrown form the transportation means to the environment;
2.2. Examination tickets are intended for the acceptance of the theoretical examinations on traffic roads from the people who want to get driving license giving the right to drive the transportation means.
Examination tickets cover all traffic rules, requirements on the safety of the movement and medical preparation.
There are 10 questions which have been numbered from 1 to 10 in every examination ticket.  Every question has the answer from 2 to 5, but only one of them is completely and accurately correct from the content point of view.
2.3. If there have been changes and additions to the traffic rules, as well as, to the  other normative documents, in this case such changes are recorded in the examination ticket.
Examinations are only hold on the basis of tickets composed in a manner that satisfies the requirements of normative documents that are in force.
2.4. The results of the examinations are recorded in the special examination paper in accordance with addendum 1 of this Method.
3. Taking theoretical examination
3.1. Examination is taken as a group in terms of the area of the room and the equipments that are there, as well as, possibility of controlling the people who are examined.
Examination sheet is given to the person who is being examined after checking his/her documents.
3.2 It is proposed to the person who is being examined to take a ticket after carrying out the explanation related to the examination procedure. 10 questions are offered for the examination and the examination rime is defined as 15 minutes.
The person who is being examined should attentively read the questions and choose one correct answer out of the suggested options.
3.3. The person who is being examined gives the examination paper after answering all the questions  to the officer of RED that takes examinations.
Examination results are determined by means of  examination devices or computers.
Admissible mark is given to the person who is examined only in the case that the person has answered correctly 9 out of 10 questions.
The knowledge of the person is appreciated as unacceptable if he/she couldn’t answer to the questions during 15 minutes that were given or he/she has made 2 mistakes.
1.    Transportation mean  and its equipment
1.1.    Practical examination is taken from the candidate of driving in the transportation means appropriate to the relevant category.
1.1.1    “A” – motor transportation mean.
1.1.2    “B” - passenger automobile.
1.1.3    “C” – in truck, total weight being more than 3500 kg.  
1.1.4    “D” – in the bus, capacity being at least 20 seats with a length of at least 6.5 m. Military servants can be carried in other capacious buses.
1.1.5    On “E” degree:     “E” – transport harness with “C” degree in its composition and at least two-axis connected to it and the distance between them being more than 1 m or in the transportation means that have harness, in the autobuses with the harness with “D” degree    “E” – transportation trailer with “B” degree  within the movement and trailer or semi-trailer weighted from  750 kg to 3.500 kg connected to it
1.2.    Automobiles intended for the acceptance of theoretical examinations should be equipped  with the additional cohesion muff (except transportation means with automatic transmission) and b foot trays, as well as, with the right rearview mirror.  

2.Organization of the adoption of examination in an automobile
2.1. Practical examinations about the driving of automobile are accepted in special stadium, in autodrom or test routes.
2.1.1. cover of the area of the autodrom or close stadium should be solid, they should be allocated from the movement of other transportation means and should be provided with appropriate means for the adoption of the examination.
In the first stage implementation skills and abilities of driving candidate on training elements are examined in the isolated area.
2.1.2 Used area for the practical examinations on  "B", "C", "D" degrees should be in the following structure: Uphill area (slope not being less than 16 %). Limited width area of the movement part for returning back; Box for the parking of the automobile at the back.
The dimensions of autodrome and closed platform and structures of elements are defined depending on the size of automobiles intended for the acceptance of the examinations.
2.1.3. Other areas may also be used, if there is no any permanent autodrome or closed platform. In this case, their element structure should be compiled with the help of portable devices. “For returning back limited width of the movement parts” of cars and the elements of  “box for the maneuvering back parking space” are equipped with hung flags in the above and black - white color supports having sustainable foundation  from 1.2 m height. Such elements for freight cars are equipped with tight ropes and colored flags attached to the props.
 The height of the tight ropes should correspond to the height of the vehicle load platform. “Ascented field” element designed for all types of vehicles can be made as an overpass that has sufficient stability and ensuring the safety of the movement when passing over it.  
2.1.4. In order to avoid the loss of time the placement of elements in platforms will be expedient if acceptance of examinations is available in two or more automobiles at the same time. Movement is organized with the help of the road signs and sign lines.
In order to accommodate the candidate of driving in advance, table of the movement scheme of the closed platform should be hanged in the well visible place of educational institutions showing the elements of experiment.  
2.2 On the condition of heavy traffic in testing routes;
2.2.1. Examination of the knowledge and ability of the driving candidate must be carried out accordingly in the testing route on the conditions stated below: Pass from the road junction in the zones of influence  in accordance with the Annex 4 of the Law “on road traffic” 2.4. “Give way” or  2.5. “it is forbidden to pass without stopping”. Pass from the road area having other road signs warning, guiding and giving information to the driver. Pass from the road junction regulated or unregulated with traffic lights. Implementation of the turning to the left twice  or turning back once. Implementation of the turning to the right twice. Movement along the road that have two or more strips for the movement in one direction.

2.2.2. Testing routes for RED are defined depending on the number of the people being served, the situation of street road network and on the length.  
The number of routes:
Should be from 5 to 10 in the cities that have 500 000 people and more, and from 3 to 5 in other settlements.
Note: The area should be equipped with the relevant complex elements depending on the size for the adoption of practical examination in the first stage on the driving of the transportation means with the “E” category.  
2.2.3 The length of the route is recommended to be from 1.5. km to 4 km for each examiners, including the elements defined in the clauses of –  
2.2.4. Testing route, route line (route scheme) is compiled in 200x300 mm format. Number is issued to each route.
To start examination in one place and to finish it at the same place is considered expedient in order to save time and replace the examinees in timely (for example, examination department).
If the routes have been selected one after another, in this case the beginning of the first one and the end of the last one should be the same place.
It is considered expedient that testing routes have resource variants for the timely replacement.
Examiners familiarize the examinee with one of the route cards for the movement from the testing route by the random selection method before the beginning of the second stage of the examination.
2.3. The duration of the examination should be sufficient for the determination of the knowledge of the driving candidate on the driving the transportation means that he wants.  
2.4. Examinee implements the control of the fulfillment of the element in the first stage by the help of the visual or technical means. In this case he can use control technical means in examination automobiles or outside from them.
3. Content of the examination
The implementation of the following elements is considered in order to define the preparation of the driving candidate:
3.1. Autodrome:
3.1.1. Movement from its place in ascent: - must set aside the car in ascent, and then continue the movement. / in this case the automobile should move from its place fluently, the engine should not be stalled and automobile should not go back more than 20 cm./
 3.1.2. Turning back in the limited place of the width of the movement part / turning back from the first time in the road area with limited dimensions by making to work the back treadmill of the speed box/.
The car should be stopped in a way that its external contour is in the inside of the signed box (a sample of the closed platform and movement scheme should be relevant to the Annex 1 of this Methodology).
While implementing this element minimum side distance from the box should not be less than 1.5 times from the external template of the turning radius of the automobile from which examination is accepted.
3.2. In testing route: To be attentive in the preparation of the beginning of the movement, and in the relation to the other movement participants. Turning on the warning signals and giving in a timely manner. Using rear-view mirror. Perfect movement of the transportation means from its place. Increasing the speed and passing to the junction. Straight acting. Right replacement in the moving part of the road.

3.2.2. Compliance with the appropriate speed of movement; Selection of intermediate and lateral distances between transportation means.
3.2.3. Doing maneuver in one direction of the road with many moving strip: Giving warning signals in a timely manner. Correct passing next to the transportation means, as well as public transportation and other obstacles. Correct implementation of the replacement from one strip to another. Necessary reaction towards the signals in the movement participants.
3.2.4. Passing from the regulated road junction: Evaluating in the road condition while approaching to the road junction.  If necessary, giving warning signals. Correct stopping of the transportation means in the front of the road junction. Perfect movement of the transportation means after stopping. Compliance with the signals of traffic lights or signs of the road police officers.
3.2.5. Passing the regulated road junction. Evaluating them by taking into consideration the signs of the other movement participants, while approaching to the road junction, requirements of the road signing lines. . Compliance to them in the cases that actions are preferred. Transition of pedestrian crossing and movement speed while approaching to the road junction.
3.2.6. Implementation of the turning (turning back): Right entering to the turning. Withdrawal from the turning considering the perfection, speed and trajectory of movement.
3.2.7. Passing: Evaluation of the road conditions considering the road signs before passing, requirements of the signing lines and behaviors of the other participants of movement. Giving warning signals in a timely manner. Speed mode of passing time depending on the concrete condition. Beginning and end trajectory of passing operation in order to ensure the safety of the movement.
3.2.8. Stop: Giving warning signal and correct replacement. Reduction of the movement speed perfectly. Correct placement of the transportation mean while stopping in the movement part (side) of the road.

4. Evaluation of the driving candidate's preparation
4.1. Inspector accepting the examination on the results of the examination should inform the driving candidate about allowed mistakes and grades.
4.2. If driving candidate reject one of the elements of examinations or make the examiner to be engaged in the examination process by creating emergency situation, in this case he gets “non-acceptable” mark.
4.3. acceptance of the practical examinations from the driving candidates in the autodromes equipped with information - communication technology and evaluation of their driving skills are implemented in accordance with the Annex 2 of this Methodology.
5. Organization and the requirements of the acceptance of exams in motorcycle

5.1. As a rule, driving habits is examined in motorcycle or motor scooter for one person.
5.2. Examination of the driving habits is carried out in accordance with the scheme of Annex 3 of this Methodology in special square.
5.3. The driving candidate should be able to implement the maneuvers provided below:
5.3.1. Transition the speed boxes from below to top and from top to below by moving directly.
5.3.2. Driving with the lowest speed without getting feet from the mat.

5.3.3. Implementation of turning back and turning with small radius ( “ gabarit circle”, “snaky”, “like zigzag”).

5.4. If the examinee cannot implement the movements of “circle” or “snaky” or “zigzag”, in this case examination is terminated.
5.5. If there is one or two mistakes during driving of motorcycle, in this case “non-acceptable” grade is given.
5.5.1. Touching the cover of the road while implementing the movements of “circle” or “snaky” or “zigzag”.
5.5.2. Couldn’t separate the transmission while stopping or during the work of the engine.
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