Informations 10 06 2024Y

Appeal to road users from the Main State Traffic Police Department on hot weather conditions

Admission to examination

INSTRUCTION on receiving examinations from people who want to get the driving license, giving the right to drive Auto\Moto transportation means and their trailers, and about the rules of  issuance  and replacing of driving licenses

2. Admission rules to examinations in STP and to the management of vehicles

2.1. Acceptance of examinations and giving driving licenses for driving vehicles, trams and trolleybus in accordance with the  "A", "B", "C", "D" and "E" categories shall be conducted by  Registration-Examination Department of  STP(hereinafter will be referred  as "RID" in the text).
2.2. Natural persons, for getting the driving license for the purpose of management of one of the transportation means- "trams" and "trolleybuses", referring to the "A", "B", "C", "D" and "E" categories, should pass training courses in educational institutions equipped with consequent material-technical base and technical- methodological teaching means on the basis of  unique education plan and program in coordination with the Ministry of Internal Affairs with SHTPD of AR and approved by Ministry of Education.
2.3. Those, being in treatment of psychiatric or neurological clinics in connection with the list of diseases specified by the Ministry of Health, and with less than three years experience in the field of driving vehicles (with the exception of trams and trolleybuses), for committing traffic accidents resulting in the death and injury of people during the last two years, as well as, deprived of the driving rights for drunk driving of vehicles, trolleybuses and trams, according to these categories are not allowed to the exams.  
2.4. When it is considered to teach driving of vehicles in accordance with "B" and "C" categories to the students and pupils in higher, secondary, vocational schools of general education, teaching in these institutions is carried out on the basis of special program agreed with SHTPD.  
2.5. Persons, who are considered suitable by the Ministry of Health for the exploitation of vehicles operated by hand, take specialized training program in educational institutions prepared by the Ministry of Education, in accordance with the plan agreed with SHTPD and Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population. In the section of " special notes" of the driving licenses, submitted to the persons, who have successfully passed the examinations, there is a note that “hand-operation is permissible”.
2.6. In order to be adapted to this training course, as defined, candidates should pass the medical examination.
2.7. Document, confirming drivers’ vocational training and improvement of their profession skills, is a certificate in accordance with Annex 2 to this instruction.
2.8. Examination for receiving driving licenses is accepted only from the persons being in permanent or temporary registration of the place in the area served by RED. In other cases, the issue of release of the exam can be accepted as an exceptional case by the leadership of SHTPD.
Note: During natural disasters and other extreme events, natural persons may receive driving license in the territory where they are temporary inhabitant and military servicemen may be allowed to the examination in RED where the military units are situated.
2.9. Driving licenses for driving transportation means, appropriate to the “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “E” categories is given to the persons who have successfully passed the theoretical and practical exams, and exams  of driving trams and trolleybuses (practical examinations are taken in tram and trolleybus parks).
2.10. Giving driving licenses specified in teaching plans and programs for preparation personnel for automobile qualification persons, who have graduated from the high and secondary schools, for driving of transport means appropriate to the “A”, “B”, “C’, “D”, “E” categories is carried out after successfully passing the practical and theoretical exams in the direction of any category.
In this case, on teaching subject in the direction of automobile specialty, the approval document will be:
- Diploma and extract from the schedule for those who have special-secondary education ;
- Diploma and supplement to diploma are accepted for those with higher education.
2.11. The citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan, who cannot pass the preparation of driving training courses in educational institutions due to their work, activity, education and social status, may prepare independently for an exam on the theoretical and practical skills in the management of vehicles in accordance with traffic rules.
2.11.1. Persons, who prepared independently for the exams, may be allowed to the exams for getting driving licenses due to the management of transportation means referring to the “A” or “B” categories.
2.11.2. Independently prepared persons submit an application to SHTPD for the release of the examination.
2.11.3. The person prepared for the examinations independently must submit the following documents:
- application on the registration in SHTPD;
- a medical certificate on the usefulness of the management of  vehicles  to the relevant category;
- document related to the education;
- receipts on appropriate payment for the examination and issuance of driving licenses (fees, charges, etc.);
- The identification card of a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Time for the adoption of the examination is appointed, after the registration of the application.
2.11.4. Any person, prepared for the examinations independently, intending to obtain the driving license must pass from theoretical and practical exams on the management skills of vehicles based on traffic rules. Persons, who have not passed from theoretical examination, are not allowed to the practical examination.  Theoretical and practical examinations shall be conducted in accordance with the adoption of the annexes No. 7 and 8 of Instruction.
2.11.5. Theoretical and practical examinations will be accepted from the persons prepared independently only once.
2.11.6. Person who has not passed from one of the examinations will be allowed once again to the examination only after going to the training courses as defined in educational institutions.
2.12. Driving license is given to the persons who have successfully passed from the theoretical and practical exams on the management of transportation means, referring to the traffic rules by the registration-examination departments within seven days.
2.13. Drivers are allowed to the management of the vehicles with “E” category, with 3 years experience in driving vehicles with "B" or "C" or "BC", and "BCD" or "BD", either  "CD" or "D" categories and after completing preparation courses based on the relevant program in educational institutions and passing theoretical and practical examinations in RE.  
2.13.1 Drivers with the right to drive the vehicles with the “B”, “C” or “BC” or “BCE” and “BE” or “CE” categories (under the terms given in the requirements of the 2.3 provision) and drivers who pass re-preparation courses, giving theoretical and practical exams based on the relevant program are allowed to the management of the vehicles with the “D” category.
2.13.2. The drivers with the right to drive the vehicles with “B” category will have the right to drive vehicles with “C” category after passing re-preparation based on relevant program in educational institutions, and successfully passing theoretical and practical exams.
2.13.3. The drivers with the right to drive the vehicles with “C” or “CD” categories are allowed to the examinations in order to get the right to drive the vehicles with “A”, “B” or “AB” categories, without passing additional theoretical and practical training courses.  
2.13.4. The drivers with the right to drive the vehicles with “BD” categories are allowed to the practical and theoretical examinations without passing additional training course for getting the driving license to drive the vehicles with “A”, “C” or “AC” categories.  Drivers who has got only “B” category can be allowed to the examinations only for getting driving license for the management of vehicles with “A” category.
2.13.5. Giving new driving license for the purpose of changing the categories mentioned in driving license are carried out after the theoretical and practical examinations on the management skills of vehicles relevant to the  traffic rules.
2.14. Person’s suitability for the driving from the health point of view, as well as, the list of diseases or other physical defects that interferes management of vehicles are determined by the Ministry of Health.
2.14.1. Inspector of RED that receives the examinations may send the person to the medical examination if there is a clear sign of doubt in health case of that person.
2.14.2. If the driver has avoided from passing the medical examination or he/she has been appointed unsuitable for the management of vehicles by the medical commission, in this case, as defined his/her driving license should be taken by the employees of STP.
2.15. Driving licenses are given to the persons, whose rights for management of transportation means have been limited temporarily after the end of this period and passing medical examination, also in the case of passing successfully the theoretical and practical examinations of the management of transportation means on traffic rules.
• Normative documents
• Admission to the Exam
• Issuance of driving license
• Replacement of driving license
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